Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Bella POV

Once I was done hunting we headed back to the castle. Jane looked as happy as a kid on Christmas morning. Which she is really starting to surprise me because all the Cullen's said the Volituri were very mean and rueful. Which is no surprise because the Cullen's were freaks and liars and they never really knew the Volituri.

We enter through the sewers and go down hallways and down elevators. It probably would have killed my feet, all this walking I've been doing if I was still human. Ah, still human. Well I ain't no more. Whoop, whoop!

We enter the throne room where the three kings and apparently queen-which is my mom-are sitting.

"Ah, Bella. How was your hunt?" Aro asks, taking Janes hand.
"Uh, fine I guess." I answer.

Aro listens to Janes thoughts, as I've learned he can see everyone's thoughts and memories in one touch, all except mine.

Aro laughs.

"Amazing. Absolutely amazing!" Wha?

Everyone looks at him confused. He explains.

"Our dear Bella stopped herself mid hunt to get away from human blood!" He says excitedly. My mom looks at me happily.

"Whoa, whoa, hold the phone. So lemme get this straight, this is exciting why?!" I ask. He shrugs.
"Because no vampire in history has been able to do that. Not even a thousand year old vampire can do that, let alone a newborn!" He says happily.

Great, not only am I the daughter of Aro and Renee Volituri but I'm going to be the most famous dang vampire alive. Great, just what I need. My life hasn't already been through hell. Oh crap, word about this is sure going to spread. Thou I would love to see Edward just to beat him up because Aro would never let me get away with letting me kill him, which really sucks.

"Look um, is it ok if I go to my room for awhile?" I ask.

They nod and I hurry out of the throne room. After taking a couple of wrong turns and having to ask for directions-which was very embarrassing- I come up to the right door.

Opening it, I enter and plop down on the bed. God, my life really changed in the last three days. I sigh, and someone knocks on my door and comes in. Mom.

"What?" I sigh. She smiles.

"Just wanted to see you and you know, catch up." I roll my eyes.

"Catch up! Catch up! I've been lied to for- how long have you been a vampire?" I ask.


"Ok thirteen. I've been lied to for thirteen years! How come I never noticed?! Wait never mind, you wore contacts. But still, you could have told me I mean Edward was pretty obvious if you smelled him and payed attention!" I'm practically yelling now.

"Honey, please calm down. I didn't know. I never payed attention to him. I was always worrying about you. You were coming of age to be changed and I was panicking. I'm sorry." I smile. I could never bee mad at her for long.

"It's ok. I'm just overreacting."

"Good. Here's your cloak and crest."

She hands me a dark cloak like hers and the kings and a special crest like theirs to. I hug her in thanks. I couldn't wait for my life to get going. Because it was just beginning.

100yrs Later

Their coming, and I'm ready. Wait till they see me now.

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