Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Bella POV

Renee looks over at me and smiles sheepishly as she takes a seat next to Aro.

"Hi sweetie. I see you've already met Aro." She says.
"Mom, what the heck are you doing with vampires?! And when the heck did you become one?!" I hiss.

She looks surprised and taken aback.

"How do you know their vampire?"

I narrow and roll my eyes.

"Do you not remember Edward. Edward Cullen?"

She looks thoughtful for a moment.

"Oh! Oh! Your boyfriend.He was a vampire?" I nod.

"Ex." I mutter.

"How come I never noticed it before? He doesn't have red eyes." I sigh.

"Mom, have they taught you nothing? The Cullen's drink animal blood." She makes an oh sound.

"Speaking of Cullen's, where is your Edward?" Aro asks. I clench and unclench my jaw.

"He's left me. Told me I wasn't good enough for him. I'm over him and never want to see him again." He nods.

"So now you know how we know you and how you know us." He turns to mom. "It seems your daughter has a gift." Her eyebrows as we as mine shot up and she glances over at me.

"Really?" Aro nods.


Blonde girl looks up at him and nods. She then looks at me real hard but nothing happens. Aro starts laughing and Jane looks back up at him.

"You see? She must be a shield! Janes gift does not work on her. Oh, she will be very useful."

I frown. I wondered why Jane looked so ticked off when we first met and why she looked like she was trying to stair me down.

"Your going to change me?"

"Why us course dear!" He says excitedly. "Jane."

Jane nods and leads me out of the throne room. She takes us down series of hallways until she comes to a stop and opens a door.

"This will be your room." She gestures for me to come in and follows me in. "Please lay."

Ok so I'm changing now. Finally, I wonder how well Edwards going to feel when I rip him limb from limb, but I won't kill him, sadly I'm not that mean of a person.

I lay down and jane starts bitting me. It hurts like hell. I feel like I've been lit on fire. I keep my jaw clenched, to keep from crying out and hold still. I mean seriously what's screaming gonna do? Alert the neighbors? Ya, thought so.

So I lay there in pain and wait for my three days to be up. I wonder how their gonna feel when I say I want to feed off of animals. It's not that I want to follow after the Cullen's, I just can't think of taking another life to keep my own going. Oh I can't wait.

"I'm sorry Bella." Jane says as she takes a seat across from me and waits. She may be patient but right now, I'm impatient. God, I can't wait.

3 Painful Days Later

My heart starts beating fast, really fast. I can hear Jane squeal, "It's time." I hear people gather around in the room, I hear people talking and walking down outside. Its so cool. I can smell things I've never smelt before. It's even better than Edward described.

My heart just keeps going faster and faster until suddenly, it stops. Ugh, finally. My eyes fly open and I take in the room. I can see so many different particles. So many colors I didn't even know excisted!

I sit up real fast, it would have given whiplash. Whoops, didn't mean to go the fast. So this time I stand up slowly.
I look at everyone and they stand a few feet away from me, hesitantly. I cock my head to the side.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my voice tinkles like bells it surprises me making my eyes widen a bit.

"Nothing dear, it's just-" Renee trails off and realization hits me.

"Oh! You think I'm going to go blood crazy and attack you all." They nod. I frown. "Well I defiantly don't want to do that."

They sigh in relief and smile. Jane flings herself at me, giving me one big hug.

"This is so cool! We can be best friends and sisters! And guess what?! I get to take you hunting!" She says. I smile, well at least I've already got one best friend.

"Ok, uh is it ok if I feed off of animals. Please?" I beg.

Everyone looks at each other for a few moment. Aro sighs and nods after a few quiet minutes.

"Alright. Jane take her to the forest that's out back." Jane nods and leads me through the building and outside, skipping and humming the whole time with a smile on her face.

We go out deep into the forest and I catch the sent of different animals, making my throat burn.

Jane let's go of my hand an turns and faces me, smiling.

"Just close your eyes, listen take a deep breath, and let your instincts take over."

I nod and do as she says. After a few minutes I catch the sent's of the animals again and sprint off, attacking. Having my first meal as a vampire. I was born for it.

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