Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Bella POV

Their coming, and I'm ready. Wait till they see me now.

It's been hundred years now that I've been a vampire. So tomorrow I'm turning 118. Aro has sent out invitations for the past week to vampire covens all around the world. I know the Cullen's are coming, I can feel it. I also know that the Whitlock coven is coming and I'm actually pretty excited.

"Bellaaaaa!" Jane calls, as she bursts into the room.
"What's up Janie?" I ask. She smiles.
"Time to get you ready!"

I groan and look down at myself. I'm wearing leather pants with black heels, and a dark red blouse. Along with my Volituri crest, a charm bracelet given to me on my hundredth birthday with a charm from everyone of the members.

Jane laughs.

"No, your makeup silly and hair!" I sigh in relief as Jane pulls me over to the mirror an sits me down and starts working quickly.

Ten minutes later she pulls away. I have black mascara outlining my eyes making the gold of my eyes pop,with black eyeshadow, a hint of blush, and light red lipstick. My hair has been curled and it's been pulled back from both sides of my head by a Volituri crest clip.

I turn and smile at Jane.

"Thanks I look great. Now just to meet everyone and keep this look until tomorrow for the party." Jane laughs.
"I can always redo it if I have to tomorrow." I nod and we head down the hall.

I throw open the doors and they make a quiet bang sound as they hit the walls. I smile at the kings and queen.

"Hello." I say, and they nod and smile in response as I take my place next to my mother and await the arrivals of the covens.

The first coven to arrive is the Sandguen Coven. The coven had two men and two woman, both mated. They smiled when they entered.

They brown haired vampire spoke, keeping his black haired mate close.

"My name is Rafael and this is my mate Zyana."

"My name is Ramon and this my mate Iyanna." Says the black haired vampire with his blond haired mate tucked close to him.

I nod and smile.

"Nice to meet you." They nod and bow before leaving and the next coven comes in. The Canadian coven.

This one only has three. Two girls and a man. The man has brownish, blackish hair and the brown haired girl is his mate while the other girl who looks to be about 16-17 has blonde hair.

"My name is Corey and this is my mate Adrianna and our coven member Adelina."

We nod and smile and gesture for the next coven to come in. Only this time one of them might not make it out alive.

Right on the dot they bring in two covens because both are so small they could make one big coven.

My eyes narrow as they enter. The Cullen's come in first and then the Whitlock's. They don't recognize me yet because I've dyed my hair black but they will soon enough.

They go through introductions and when they finish they go to leave but I stop them.

"Nice to see you all got back together to make the Cullen coven again. Thou I've never been the one for pleasantries." I say. They look at me confused and Peter winks quickly at me. I smile back.

"I'm sorry, have we met before, your highness?" Carlisle asks. I narrow my eyes.

"Have we met before?! Have we met before?! Why yes, I think we have. I think it was back in a little town called Forks. We were great friends before you dumped me in the woods and left me for the dead!" I snap. They all gasp. I roll my eyes.

"Get out of my sight. Whitlock's stay." The Cullen's are forced out by Felix, Alec and Jane. I face back to the masters.

"I'll just be and hour or two." They nod and I quickly stand and gesture for the Whitlock's to follow.

"Tell me, how much do you know about me?"

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