Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Ella POV

"Pixel and Edlice." I hear my mom say before I fall into a deep sleep.
I dream that Mom's killing Edward and Alice by pushing them off a cliff into a fiery pit of lava-typical Mom. Carlisle and Esme are begging for her not to do it and Momma just smirks before Edward and Alice are no more.

I awake to find Mom gone like she usually is, and the sun beating down through my window warming my face. I stretch and hop out of bed. I walk over to my closet and pull out jeans, a lose black v-neck shirt, and black flats.
I quickly get dressed and brush my hair and teeth.

I open my door and head down to the kitchen. I know, we have a kitchen. Never would have guessed would ya?

I sit down on one of the stools after taking 30 seconds to climb it. Mom hands me a plate of pancakes with syrup and bacon. A long with a glass of orange juice.
She smiles and ruffles my hair a bit before leaving the kitchen and heading somewhere. She seemed worried. She had been seeming worried a lot.
She couldn't hide much from me. I was her daughter and we could read each other like our favorite books.

Once I was done Jane took my dishes and stuck them in the sink, washing them at vampire speed.

She helped me down off the stool and we walked together to the throne room.

"How's stuff goin?" I ask Jane. She shrugs.

"Ok, I guess. People are kinda worried. Everyone's trying to get ready." She says. I don't say anything but nod. That was pretty obvious. But I had a feeling Victoria wasn't the cause of such a big panic spread through the Volturi.

We walked through the doors and entered the throne room. Mom suddenly straightened. Every single vampire that was in the building was now in the throne room, right in front of us.

I felt my panic and worry strike and I thought I was going to have a panic attack.

"She's coming." Mom says before I blackout completely from panic and stress overload.


Unknown POV

Me, Mady, and Bella emerged together from the water along with a bunch of crazy newborns. She would be coming later.
Me and my friends were ready. When the fight started we would make a run for it. We had it all planned out, just like it has been for a month.

We didn't want to hurt this girl or her friends. It was a good thing we didn't have a mind reader with us because we'd all be dead or under guard then dead.

She prized us to win this fight for her so I'll go with the second option.

As we neared the field where we would fight, I saw the girl. She was beautiful, and she stood up front. Two blondes stood on either side of her with a large buff dude next to the girl blonde.
Everyone moved to attack. Me and my friends jumped out of the way and into the bushes as everyone blurred forward. Suddenly big animals jumped out and started ripping our group apart.

Me and my friends watched in frozen horror.

Suddenly the girl she was after snapped her head in our direction and we all frozen. Her eyes flashed in recognition before she turned and took out another vampire.

"Bella!" We all exclaimed quietly and looked at each other in shock. How did we all know her?

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