Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Bella POV

I still had no idea where the heck I was going. I was practically a tourist driving around Victoria, Canada. Population, 344,615. I scowled when I saw the sign. Victoria, really. Wherever I go her stupid name pops up. God! I need to get get out of this town. An idea suddenly pops into my head. I remember a conversation I had, had with my mom a few weeks after Edward left.


"Mom, really. I'm fine, I want to stay in Forks." I had said.
"Dear, are you sure? You can always come live with us in Italy." She said.

I made a sound of annoyance.

"Mom, I'm 100% sure I want to stay in Forks. I'm promise if I change my mind I'll call you." I said. She sighed.
"Alright dear I miss you. Love you." She said. I couldn't help but smile.

"I miss you to mom. Love ya, bye."


That's where I'd go. I'd go live with my mom. I'm sure she'd love that. Haven't seen her in almost three years anyway. I'll just have to call her when I get near Italy.

5 Hours Later

I pulled out my phone getting ready to call her. I was just at the border of Italy and I got there faster than expected. Of course I did break loads of speed limits on the way. So many that would put a Fast and Furious racer to shame.

I pulled out my contacts and when I get to my moms I hit the call button, it started to ring. Three rings later, she picked up.

"Hey mom, it's me." I say. I hear her gasp with happiness.
"How are you doing?" She asks.
"I'm fine. I just wanted to let you know I just past the Italian border and am coming to live with you. I just need directions on where you are."
"Oh, of course, of course!"

She started giving me addresses and directions. I pulled over real quick to write it all down and program it into my GPS. I thanked her and hung up. Making sure I had everything, I got back on the road and headed to where Renee was living. Volituri, Italy.

Something nagged at my brain. That name sounded so familiar yet I couldn't place it. It was annoying me to hell.

I shrugged it off, figuring I'll deal with it later. Right now, I just need to worry about whether the heck I can get to Renee's in one piece, or if I'm gonna have to get out and do a white-trash-beat down on the guy in that shitty piece of crap Mercedes who keeps honking his horn behind me as I pull up to the city. What he apparently he can't figure out is I can't go the hell anywhere, freakin moron.


Oh, hell no. I roll down my window and poke my head out. He's lucky I'm not getting out of my truck.


He honks angrily in response. I'm about to get out when my phone dings. I retract back inside and look at the number and frown. I don't know the number. And I certainly know it's not any of the Cullen because I got my number changed the moment I started to hate them. I pull up the message and read.

'Ur suppose to run over the guy. Then run over all the people in front of u, Lil'Bit.'

I frown, but can't help but laugh.

'Who are u?'

They respond immediately.

'Owww, that hurts. I'm ur best friend, The know it all.'

I can't help but roll my eyes.

'Peter. Really? That's a good idea thou. I thought about climbing out and beating him up until u rudely interrupted.'

*smirks* 'I know, I'm the genius who just saved that poor o'l fella.'

*rolls eyes and glares* 'Ya, ur also the genius who sold me out to Jasper, Whitlock!'

'Uh, gotta go wife's calling. Uh, bye.'


'Haha, uh, bye!' *throws phone and zooms out of room*

I can't help but roll my eyes. He's got to be more stupider than Emmett, I swear. That morons still honking and I still can't go anywhere. So I go with the more sad, but probably less way to get me arrested.

I step out an walk over to the freaks car. I tap on the window, but it doesn't open. So this time I freaking bang on the window. This grabs his attention and he rolls down the window to meet my angrily, glaring face with his angry, pissed off one.

"WHAT?!" He snaps.

Without saying a word my hand balls up into a fist and I swing it back, having it connect smack in his jaw. It makes a cracking sound and he sits there stunned. He lifts his hand to his jaw and looks back up at me glaring. He balls his hand in a fist and steps out. He goes to punch me in the face, but I see it coming and jump to the side. I can't help but grin. So the fight begins. Finally, some action.

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