Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jasper POV

I watched in shock and amusement as Bella beat up the guy behind her in the black Mercedes. It was pretty hilarious actually and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe Bella took karate or something after we left because she was beating this guy up like he was yesterday's trash. My phone suddenly pings and I reach into my back pocket, grabbing it.

'Cuz she is beating him up like yesterday's trash.'

I can't help but roll my eyes. Sometimes I wish Peter didn't know almost everything. My phone pings again.

'Cuz I do know everything genius:D.'

'Ya right, u didn't know I was gonna let u escape Maria w/Char.'

'I uh, well.....I was panicking ya know. Not much time ta think.'

'Whatev. What do u want?'

'What I can't txt my fav. bro?'


'Ok, ok, don't get ur panties in a twist. I just wanted ta let ya know I talked ta Lil'Bit and a...... remind me ta run away if we ever meet in person.'

I can't help but laugh. I can't help but wonder what Peter did to make her want to kill him. Probably piss her off.

'Well, I'm make sure to.'

'Feeew thxs bro.'

'After she tackles u to the ground and beats u up a bit.'

'Aww man, come on.'

'Just kidding. Maybe.'

'Maybe?! What's that suppose ta mean?'


'Man, I'm gonna kill u!'

'Ur next in line dude. If Bella doesn't kill u first.'

'Jeesh, thxs but if I'm next in line after Bella, she ain't gonna kill ya.'

'Not so sure.'

'Trust me.' *smirks* 'She won't.'

*glares* 'Know it all freak.'

*bows* 'why thx.'

'Ugh, goodbye Peter.'

'Later bro.'

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and looked up to see the line moving. Jeesh, lot of people going into Italy today.

It takes me a couple minutes but I finally spot Bella's truck. With that black Mercedes still behind her. But he's not honking anymore at least. He looks pretty bad beat up. He's talking on the phone, more like yelling, about getting his lawyer on the phone. I shake my head. What a moron.

I stay to the trees as I follow Bella as she drives into town. I soon have to hide on roof top buildings, staying low and out of sight. I soon lose her and start to panic. She could get hurt. Victoria could be anywhere! I start taking deep breaths, calming myself when my phone pings again. What the heck did he want now? Maybe he knew where Bella is. I pull out my phone, backing into the shadows.

'Don't worry, Lil'Bit will be fine.'

'How do u know? Never mind, don't answer that.'

'She's in Volituri, duh.'

That's when it hit me, Volituri. Oh crap.


'She'll be fine. My knower says so.'

I sigh.


'Good, now come on live with us. Please!' *puppy eyes*

I sigh.

'Alright, fine. As long as you keep a check on Bella, a lot.'

'Cross my heart and hope to die.'

*rolls eyes* 'See ya later.'

I sigh and take one last look they way I saw Bella going. He better be right or I swear to god, I will literally kill him.

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