Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Bella POV

"Tell me, how much do you know about me?"

Peter smirked while Char and Jasper smiled slightly. Peter also took a step back. I smile, remembering the conversation I had with him before I was a vampire.

"Just 'bout everything Lil'Bit. Thou there be somein missin from this picture." He says. I smile knowing exactly what he means.

I lead them to my room-which is really the middle of my living room, I have rooms down the hall from the living room. It's all connected-and quickly open the door. Only to be tackled by a body. She starts giggling. I push her off lightly and stand, leaning back down to pick up the child. Smiling I turn to the others.

"That's what be missin." Peter mutters, which I ignore.

"Guys this is Ella, my daughter. Yes she is my biological daughter. Don't ask how it happened because I have no idea." I say as they started open their mouths but quickly shut them as I spoke.

"Bu...but how? You were turned a vampire a few hours after you arrived here." Peter says. I smile.

"I went on a mission one year for the Volituri and had to change myself into human. I think during the time I played human something happened because I came back a few days early pregnant. They had to send out another member." I say smiling, looking down at my wonderful blessing, who watch the Coven with curiosity.

Ella had long dark, almost black, brown hair for her age at four. Her eyes were chocolate brown like mine use to be and had a cute heart shaped face and small button nose.

As if sensing my gaze she looks up and smiles. Which I return and throw her on my back playfully, making her laugh.

"Wait, how come I never found about Ella? And do have more than one gift? Because last I got, you were a shield."I grin.

"I am a shield, that absorbs or copies others gifts. And I blocked you from finding about Ella. You could wait until now." I say smirking. Peter pouts.
"Speaking about waiting...." I say with a smirk.

Peters eyes grow wide as he realizes what I'm talking about and makes a bolt to the other side of the room. I set Ella down, who makes her way over to Jasper, and chase after him.

Stopping him with my shield, I tackle him to the ground.

"What was that? Oh ya 'Ya, ur also the genius who sold me out to Jasper, Whitlock!'

'Uh, gotta go wife's calling. Uh, bye.'


'Haha, uh, bye!' *throws phone and zooms out of room*"

"Huh, ya about that. Funny story actually, you see-" He starts but Char butts in.

"That little wimp over there did throw his phone and broke my favorite vase!" Char snaps, jokingly.

"Sorry hun, I was trying to make the conversation....realistic." He argues.

"Yep totally." I say sarcastically before hopping off of him and giving him a hand up. He eyes it for a minute as if it's a trick before excepting it.

I bring my shield back down and walk over to where Ella has climbed herself onto Jasper's back. I can't help but shake my head and smile at her big grin.

"So, you like Mr. Whitlock?" I joke, making Ella laugh and nod.

I gesture for them to follow me and we head out of my bedrooms main living room and down the hall, my cloak flowing behind me. Leaving Ella on Jasper's back.

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