Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jasper's POV





What is Bella up to? I came to her house apologize but I'm confused by her emotions. Shouldn't she be sad or something over us leaving? Its already been about a year since we left but I still expected a little heartbreak or betrayal come from her. The Bella I know would have never moved on so easily.

To figure out this mystery I decided to just go up to her door and knock like the gentleman that I am.

A few minutes later, Bella opened the door before quickly slamming it shut "what the hell," I heard her mumble.

"Bella can I please talk to you." I asked since she hasn't moved from her spot by the door.

"You're talking to me right now aren't you." she said. I didn't expect that.

"I just wanted to apologize for your birthday incident." I said a bit awkwardly.

The door burst open and there stood a very furious Bella.
"It wasn't your damn fault so shut up about that crap." she snapped.

I just stared at her dumbly. There is no way she just said that.

"Of course I freakin meant it Jasper! I'm the human and I saw how Freakward looked at me with bloodlust in his eyes and then when he pushed me on the glass table he must have freakin bathed in the scent of my blood! I'm his damn singer in case you forgot! So of course, his butt would try to drain me! Not you!"

Well shit, I wasn't expecting that either. Was she hiding her true self from everyone or what?

"Now is there another reason you came back?" she asked "Is Freakward with you?"

She asks looking around. I shake my head.

"I just wanted to apologize for everything and no."

"Damn," she mumbled "are you gonna stay for a while or are you gonna leave now?"

"I'll be staying here for a while."

"Well since you're already here, come on in." she said waving her arms around dramatically.

It was then that I saw it; a mark on her left hand only a vampire can leave. I growled involuntarily before flashing in front of her and taking hold of her hand carefully to inspect the bite.

"What the hell happened?"I growled.

"Damn it," she grumbled before explaining "a few months after Freaward left me, and you guys left, I was walking around the forest because I felt like it. Laurent popped up in front of me, said Victoria wanted revenge, also said that he wanted a taste of my blood for himself, lunged at me, bit me, my wolf friends came then, killed Laurent, sucked the venom out before it could spread and took me home."

I was growling through her entire explanation, I knew we shouldn't have left her unprotected. We should have never listened to Freakward. Now, Victoria is going to try to get revenge on Bella for something she didn't do.

"Victoria is gonna freaking die." I hissed.

"Do whatever the freak you want. I don't care." she said rolling her eyes.

"Why are you mad at me? I didn't betray you!"

"You're the freakin God of War so you should've freakin known to change me as soon as Tyler's van came at me or you could've killed those three bitches in the field so that we wouldn't be having another freakin problem!"

"I understand your anger but the Cullens thought it was best to keep you away from our world. Which is why Edward never changed you and Carlisle only told you that he would to appease you." The Major wanted so badly to come out and talk to her personally but there is no way that's happening.

She's our mate! I would never harm what belongs to us! The Major roared, well shit that was unexpected. How the hell do I tell her this?

I shall tell her when the time is right. You on the other hand, do not say a word about this.

No wonder Alice claimed that I would find my true mate in Forks.

I still hate that bitch.

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