War of Hormone

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The next morning, I woke up early and cooked breakfast for everyone. I couldn't just freeload, it would be wrong.

"Aigoo a beautiful kind girl who can also cook. My son should have met a girl like you," said Mrs. Park. 

"You flatter me too much, I wouldn't make a good wife," I said.

"Too bad Jihyun already has a girlfriend," said Mr. Park laughing. 

Jihyun looked up from his plate of food and said, "My girlfriend is pretty too! She can cook too! She's the best!"

We all laughed together at his response. Mrs. Park told me about their cafe and I asked her if I could help her instead of staying home and that was how I spent the rest of my days.

It's been about two weeks and a half that I've been staying with them. My memories still have yet to return but they have been so good to me I feel guilty.

"Y/N-ah, can you bring these drinks to the young men over there?" asked Mrs. Park.

"Of course!" I smiled and took the drinks over. "Here you go, a plain black coffee, a cute mustache coffee for you, and a black tea for you. Thank you!" As I was about to head back to the counter, two of the boys called out to me. I turned back and looked at them. "Yes?"

"My friend here thinks you're cute but he can't bring himself to tell you directly. Can you say hi to him?" asked the tall boy with dark brown hair.


'Aish really? Should I just be nice and say hi? I wouldn't want the customers to be mad,' I thought.

"Hello there," I said as I bowed politely to the boy wearing the black baseball cap. Then I turned around and left before they said anything more. 

"I see you're getting hit on by the boys," said Jihyun from behind the counter. "Most of our customers are girls who come here for Jimin so I'm surprised to see groups of boys here."

"Why would girls come here for him? What is he, a celebrity?" I asked jokingly. "Or he must be really handsome."

"Handsome? A celebrity? And here I thought you knew who he was. I mean look around you. All the pictures aren't here just for decorations," he said as he grabbed a cookie. 

His comment made me actually look at the pictures closely. The pictures were of a group called Bangtan Boys. Seeing that there were more pictures of a specific boy, I came to the conclusion that he was Park Jimin. 

"Wahh I'm so slow! It's been almost three weeks and I didn't even know!"

"Your attention span is that of a flea," Jihyun said teasingly.

"Yah! I'm older than you! Don't make me tell your girlfriend how terrible you are," I said crossing my arms.

Suddenly the door opened and another group of boys gathered. I did my part and warmly welcomed them. 

"You know if you act innocent and nice they won't stop coming in," Jihyun said.

"I'm not acting, I am nice and innocent," I said calmly.

"You remind me of Jimin sometimes. You're both so caring yet you both have this side that no one knows about," he said while chewing on his cookies. 

Jimin. I'd like to meet this boy someday. At least before I have to leave this wonderful place. While in my thoughts Mrs. Park happily came over and quietly said, "Y/N-ah we shall close the cafe early today. There's someone I'd like you to meet."

Seems like whoever it was, Jihyun knew because he smirked in his own little corner. 

"Um hello, my name is EunBi and I'd like to order a green tea ice cream please," said the girl who just walked in. She was so cute and shy, it was adorable. 

"Hello! My name is Y/N, you must be Jihyunie's cute girlfriend! I'm so jealous!" I said as I grabbed her hand. 

"Yah! Y/N noona! You can't do that! She's mine!" Jihyun says and grabs EunBi's hands away from mine.

"Oh ho. I just wanted to be close with my future sister in law!" I said laughing. Mrs. Park joined in on the laughter as the cute couple went to sit at a table nearby.

"It's fun having some girls around. It's like having daughters of my own," she said softly.

"It would be an amazing honor to be your daughter aunty," I said while putting both of my elbows on the counter and laying my head in between my two hands. 

"In that case then you can call me your mother for now," she said stroking my hair gently.

I smiled and closed my eyes. If only things can stay like this forever. But it can't.

The door opened again as the tiny bell on it jiggles. I turned around with a smile and welcomed our guests once again. 

"These boys just keep coming in here today," said Mrs. Park. The boys kept staring at me which I thought was weird because I'm not used to being looked at in that way. 

"It's because our eomma (mom) is so pretty!" I said while wiping the counters. 

"You are too silly," she said as she prepares the desserts.

"These young boys seem to all like you. You wouldn't happen to remember being a heartbreaker now would you?"asked Mr. Park teasingly.

"If I was, I would be upset with myself!" I said pouting.

He chuckled and said, "I doubt such a nice girl would do something like that."

After a few more hours, I kindly asked the boys to leave for we were closing early. Some of them wouldn't go until I agreed to take pictures with them which I hesitantly declined with the offer of a handshake instead. EunBi came over on her bike so Jihyun offered to walk her home. Mr. Park drove us home first where I thought we would be greeted by a stranger but no one was there waiting. 

"Maybe it was tomorrow. I may have gotten the days mixed up," said Mrs. Park innocently. 

"It's okay. You deserved to rest anyways," I said walking with her to her room.

"Well then, I'll see you in the morning Y/N," she said smiling.

Laying in bed after my shower, I decided to just towel dry my wet hair then tied it into a low pony tail to the side. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. 

Jimin's Point of View

I was supposed to arrive earlier but some things happened back at the apartment and I forgot a few things. With so much to prepare before our break, I was too tired to call my parents ahead of time. I opened the front door quietly and took off my shoes. I grabbed my bags and walked straight to my room. In a sleepy daze I thought I saw someone sleeping on my bed but it was probably just Jihyun. I knew he missed me but I didn't think he would miss me this much. He's just like Jungkook sometimes. 

Laying my stuff in the corner of the room, I changed into more comfortable clothes and climbed in bed. 

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