Is She Hiding Something?

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Walking through the empty shell of an abandoned soul that is my house I exit the door, put yet more bills and fines through the mail slot and sprint to my bus stop. The depressing sight of my own house is too much to take.

Shoving to the front of the line to get to the door of the bus I tag off with my card and leap off the bus. Quickly murmuring a hello to my friends I go into my first class. English. I love English, this is the only class where I feel completely safe.

“Hello class” Ms Clifford greets us as we all file into our allocated seats. Thankfully this year Ms Clifford has put Charlie in front of me and Celia behind me so I can always talk to them when needed. Jose Dylan has been put to my right so that hopefully won't be too bad although she has been known to get many people into detention for talking. And the seat to my left is empty until some guy drops his bag under it and slides in the seat.

“Hey” he greets me, getting his stuff out of his bag

“Um, hi” I reply. Wow he's hot.

Nice one Lola, you must look stupid now. I mentally face palmed myself while grabbing my pencil case out of my bag.

"I haven't seen you around school before. Or have you been keeping a low profile the entire time?" I ask him curiously.

“Oh um, i've just started here. I'm David.” He holds out his hand with a warm smile. I gladly shake it and smile back at him. We were passing notes onto each other during English until I finished my essay.

“I see you've made a new friend” Ms Clifford states as I handed my essay in to her. “Yup!” I reply happily, popping the 'p'. When she doesn't reply I return to my seat and play mine craft on my laptop until the end of class.

We ended up being in all the same classes together and soon enough we were good friends.

. . . . .

“Hey i've already heard that you'r house is huge.” David tells me one day after school as we headed out to the bus together.

“Yeah I guess it is.” I smile at him as we watch out for our separate busses. I finally got the hint that he wanted to see it but I was cautious about asking him. I've almost never asked anyone over to my house even though people always speak about it being huge.

“Do you want to come over today?” I ask him tentatively.

“Sure!” He shrugs and texts someone on his phone.

“Yep. How about till 5pm?” he asks me.

“Sounds good” I quickly look up to see my bus coming in.

“There it is lets go” I push him forward gently as we head up to the bus.


I told him my room was a mess so we decided to study in my parents room. I don't know how we got in there but you just can't say no to his adorably cute face.

“I'll just get something to eat.” I rise off the floor where all our books were surrounding us and leaped over the file books and papers to the door.

Downstairs I was just bringing some cookies and juice up when I just remembered something from yesterday. My eyes widened in shock as the memory came back to me.




I accidentally dropped the food on the floor and sprinted upstairs to hear nothing at all. I creped over to my parents room and saw that David wasn't there.


I ran downstairs and searched around while cleaning up the mess I made on the floor just moments ago. Taking just the cookies upstairs I went into the room and yelled out to him.



Davids POV:

“Do you want to come over today?” Lola asks me.

“Sure” I shrugged and texted my mum asking if I could go. She said yes.

“Yep. How about till 5pm?” I ask Lola who was searching for her bus

“Sounds good.” She replies and looks over the sea of people and spots her bus presumably.

“There it is lets go.” She pushes me forward slightly and we made our way over to the bus.

Her house is huge. I heard from people that it was quite big but I never thought it was this big. The gate swung open as we walked through and into the Victorian styled house. The first thing I noticed is that there was no photos in the frames on the hallways walls. That's a bit odd. But then again, Lola is very unique. Like how her beautiful dark brown hair cascades down her back, how her arms always seems to have many thread woven bracelets up them, how she always wears sunglasses into school no matter what the season is. And everything about her is perfect.

She told me her room was too messy and was wondering about where to go next. Looking over at her very messy kitchen table I was also wondering where she thought we could go.

“How about your parents room?” That was the first room in a house that came into my head. Her chocolate brown eyes widen slightly before she nodded and lead me up to a big room that looked like it has never been used.

I had already done my revision for maths so I just stole glances at Lola as she worked. Her eyes filled with determination and her tongue stuck out in concentration. About 45 minutes later she suddenly looked at the time and stood up.

“I'll just get something to eat”. Lola leaped over the files and walked out the door. When she was gone I was just looking around the room when something caught my attention. A dark hole in the wall of a wardrobe. Me being the curious person I am, went over to investigate it. It had been hidden with a suitcase and was currently open. Wondering what was at the end of the dark hole I went inside the hole and crawled to the end.

Jumping down from the hole and into a little room made out of solid cement I take a closer look around. All these photos where everywhere, on the walls and hanging from the ceiling. There were papers and pens everywhere, a studded white handbag in the corner and a mysterious box in the corner. Is Lola hiding something? I was about to open it when I heard a faint sound.



Lola would be so pissed if she found me in this hidden room.

What do I do. What do I do. What do I do!

Suddenly I hear a faint sound of shuffling and soon enough Lola's head comes through the hole in the wall. But instead of anger and fury in her eyes like I thought I would. Lola's eyes were open wide in . . . Horror? Fright?

Is she scared?


A/N Hiya guys! 1226 words on this chapter! whoohoo! i tried to make it 1000 words exactly but that kinda failed :P

Please comment on this book so far i would really appreciate it!

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