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Friday night

“Felix give me those doughnuts!” I yelled at him before chasing him around the obstacle course of bean bags and couches. Felix was obviously looking back at me because a second later he flipped head first over a couch.

“NOOOOOO!” I yelled in slow motion and jumped to grab a falling doughnut in distress.

“GOT IT!” I started munching on the jammy doughnut while rubbing a carpet burn on my arm.

“Ohhhh” Felix sighed as he looked down at his carpet fluff doughnut.

“Te he!” I laughed at his fail way of getting the doughnuts away from me.

“The holidays are coming up!” Serena squealed, looking at her school calendar.

Georgie has been to school in my place all week. Receiving 3 detentions, 2 punishments and 4 make out sessions with David. When she told me about her and David I shoved my fingers in my ears and ran into my room going “lalalalala!!!” my 2 best friends being a couple just creeps me out.

“Hey Lola?” Felix says as we walk upstairs to read to the little ones.

“Yes Felix?” I said back to him.

“Do you wanna go on a date tomorrow?” He asked in a rush.

“I didn't hear most of that but sure!” I smiled back at him. He grinned.

“Ok from your creepy smile I guess I said yes to something bad” I rose my eyebrows at him. His smile disappeared.

“Oh no! I was wondering if you want to go on a date tomorrow?” He asked again.

“Yes!” IM GOING ON A DATE!!!! Then he leant forward closing the gap between us and kissing me. It lasted for a few presious seconds till we heard a voice.

“What are you doing?” A little girl looked up at us with a confused look.

“Ummm” Felix started.

“Nothing sweetie. What book do you want to read tonight?” I picked her up and lead her to her room. . .


I woke up with a smile on my face. Literally my cheeks were so sore I had to go over and splash water on my face multiple times to wake me up. Then I remembered





Thousands of questions flooded my brain as I walked down the corridor to breakfast.

“Hey Georgie! Guess what!” I beamed at her as I sat down to the next Walking Dead actress. She started at me glumly.

“I haven't slept a wink last night!” She moaned and her head fell forwards into her lumpy porridge. I lifted her head back up as she started chocking on porridge.

“Are you okay girls?” Lily called from the breakfast bar.

“Uh yeah” I said looking down at Georgie, “I think” I mumbled. Leaning forward to check her pulse I found she was just sleeping.

“Thank God!” I mumbled and ate my french toast.

“What's up with porridge girl?” Felix sat down next to me with a mountain of food.

“How much can you eat!” I exclaimed and looked at his pile of toast, eggs, bacon, chips and a juice.

“A lot” He said through a mouthful of bacon.

“Hey what are we doing for our date tonight?” I wiggled my eyebrows at him. He laughed.

“Somewhere” He said mischievously. I started poking him.

“Where. Where. Where. Where. Where. Where. . .” I poked him with every word.

“Not telling!” He grabbed his last piece of toast and got up. Sending me a wink he left the kitchen.

A/N Soz guys it's really short i just wanted to have a long next chapter! ;)



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