Perfect Dates And My First Kiss In The Rain

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“GEORGIEEEEEE!!!!!” I sang, skipping into her room at 3pm that afternoon.

“What” She was doing homework at her desk.

“Never thought I would live to see the day that Georgie Masterton is doing homework!” I leaned against the doorframe.

“Well now that you are probably going to give me an excuse to stop doing this crap i'll stop now.” She turned to look at me.

“Guess what!” I said.

“What!” She said in the same tone as me.

“I'VE GOT A DATE TONIGHT!!!!” I screamed.

“OMG Lets get you ready!” She grabs my hand and leads me into my room.

“He didn't say what we're doing” I told her as she shuffled through my drawers.

“I'll go ask” She left the room. I followed.

“You can't come with me!” she pushed me back slightly. I hid behind the door as she knocked on felix's door. He opened and let her in, closing the door behind. I put my ear up against the door as he told her. I caught the words 'casual' and 'park'.

What if it's a picnic! That would be so cute! I ran back to my room before Georgie came out.

“just wear casual clothes” She handed me black skinny jeans and a gold and white sparkly top.

“And I left my leather ankle boots in your wardrobe” She came out with gold studded brown leather ankle boots.

“Sit down” Georgie instructed me as I sat down in front of the mirror. She straightened my dyed blonde locks as they fell down my back.

“It's freezing out there, what about a jacket?” I asked her.

“Don't worry about that” She smirked and finished my hair. There was a knock on my door.

“You get it” I told Georgie and quickly grabbed a scarf off the door handle.

“Ok” Georgie talked to the person behind the door.

“It's Felix” She mouthed at me. I smiled.

“She's right here” I went over to the door. Felix was dressed up in a suit jacket and slacks, with converses on. He looked so cute!

“Oh here you go Lola!” Georgie handed me a hoodie. It was Felix's hoodie! I shrugged it on.

“You look amazing” He told me as we walked out into the street. I blushed.

“You look great too!” I held his hand as we walked through the streets.

“Where are we going? I didn't expect a hike!” I joked as we turned a corner.

“It's just over here. . .” He lead me through a clearing of trees and onto. . .

“A rugby pitch?” I asked him as we walked over it.

“Nope. Its over the other side” I realized we were going through a massive park or reserve something. Through more trees I spotted some light at the edge of the forest. When we got there I gasped.

The scene was beautiful. A small bridge went over a pond with a waterfall, candles were everywhere and a red picnic blanket was set on the bridge.

“What do you think?” Felix asked nervously.

“It's beautiful!” We walked over to the blanket where Felix set down the picnic basket. I didn't even know he was holding it.

“I've got mince pies, toasted sandwiches, fruit kebabs, lily said I had to put healthy stuff in so I put in carrot sticks, and lamington cakes and macaroon for dessert!” He set it all out on the blanket.

“Want some coke? I know it's not very romantic but I couldn't think of anything else” He said sheepishly.

“I love it!” I handed him my glass and soon we were digging into the food.


Lying on our backs under the stars, full from dinner and laughing really hard we were sharing jokes about our past and such.

“W- What about the time I sat on you during the movie?” He asked me.

“That was last week!” I told him. We burst out laughing.

“Y- your face!” I remembered when ollie scared us both into falling on the floor in fright.

“Guess what?” Felix turned serious and faced me.

“What?” I acted serious and faced him.

“It's the holidays now!!!!” He exclaimed and kissed me. Sparks flew as always.

“Are you off work?” I asked him. He nodded.

“Younger people get the holidays off while the old people work, then we swap over!” He got up and I followed suit. We walked away from the picnic and into the forest with the flowers. Felix bent down and picked a rose.

“OUCH!” He exclaimed, pricking himself with the thorns on the rose. I laughed at him.

“My Lola Rose” He picked all the thorns off and placed the rose in my hair.

“That actually is my name” I told him as we walked back to the waterfall.


“Yeah. After my parents died and I started high school I changed my name to just Lola” I told him.

“Well then Lola Rose. Would you be my girlfriend?” He asked with hopeful eyes.

“Yes!” I jumped on him into a hug which soon turned into a kiss.

“Well then, here you go” He handed me a box. I opened it to find a beautiful gold band bracelet. Felix turned it over for me to find an inscription;

To My Lola Rose, Love Felix 2014

Tears sprang to my eyes as he put it on my right wrist.

I hope you don't mind but I had to go into you room to get my savings out of your box” He told me quietly as we started walking home.

“That's absolutely fine” I told him while taking off the hoodie. We just entered the rugby pitch when it started raining. Hard. We started running until Felix slipped and we both came crashing down down on the grass. I was straddling him.

“I love you” He whispered to me and pulled me in for a kiss. My first kiss in the rain.

It. Was. Amazing.

The only problem was that I never got a chance to reply.

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