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Lola's pov:

It was during lunch when we both found each other after class and sat down in our usual spot behind the science labs.

“I've got something to tell you!” We said simultaneously.

“Ok you first” we both said

“You go” I said after a while of us saying the same thing.

“Ok. Where was your dad when your mum died?”

Wasn't expecting that question.

“Well I don't know. Last time I saw him before mum died was when he went off to work in the morning.” I wasn't exactly lying. But he was getting to the thing which I wanted to tell him.

“Does your Dad know how to drive a plane?”

Yup he was getting very close to the subject I had to tell him.

“He drove our plane. When my mum died. Then I found him just further away hidden behind a shed. I screamed at him to stop but by the time he was about to turn around the gun had gone off.” I said quietly.

“Sorry. I was just confused about the pilot thing. And I found this.” He pulled out a photo of my dad and I smiling at the camera, well dad was half heartedly smiling.

“see the note. I blew it up bigger to see the words and I came up with 'arrival 17709' but that wasn't your plane code. It was the date your mum died. That was why I wasn't at school 2 days ago.”

All I could reply with was a faint “Oh”.


That afternoon there was a hard knock at the door. After 5 minutes of waiting the flap in the door opened and a man spoke through it. “Miss Parker I know your home. I saw your bike.”

I eventually gave in when it was 15 minutes since he came and I opened the door to my worst enemy.

A police man.

“May I come inside” It was more a command than a question.

“Uh sure. Mum should be home soon so you will have to be quick.” I tried to cover it up but failed.

“That is exactly what I have come to talk to you about.”

I felt my eyes widen


“We know that both your parents died. We have known since one of your fathers clients wasn't meeting him at work and paying him his bills.”

“Please don't send me away to a home! I'm almost of age and can look after myself. I learn't to cook and I keep the house tidy. Just please don't send me away!” I was almost in tears.

“I'm sorry but since you are not of age yet I'm going to have to give you into a foster home. But we will need you to come to the police department and answer some questions.”

“but” I was speechless.

“Come on we have to go now. We will come back for some of your clothes and then you can sleep at the motel next door to us for now while we find you a home.” He leads her out of the house and into his police car.

The trip to the station was silent but when Lola was guided into a room it had 3 people sitting in front of her, 2 with pens and paper and one in the middle with a voice recorder.

“Please speak into this when you talk” The lady hands me a microphone and asks the questions:

“When did you officially become an orphan?”

“The 17th of July 2009 7:23 pm” The lady looked surprised at my very accurate answer.

“Do you own any of your parents credit cards, visa, master card, american express, bank card etc?”

“Yes I took both of their wallets after they died”

“Have you gotten any money out of the bank using those cards, if so how?” I can't lie to a police woman so I told her the truth.

“Yes I have disguises using their clothes and I have practised their signatures and changed their pin numbers”.

“Have you ever flown on a plane or used their passports since their death?”

“No. there was a less chance of me being found out of I wasn't investigated at an airport”

“And lastly. On the news that evening it only talked about your mother passing away. How did your father die?”

“He flew the plane. We didn't know. I found him behind a shed with a gun pointed to his head, he killed himself before I could stop him.”

The lady looked quite sad at this news.

“I'm sorry about your loss dear. Hopefully we will be able to find you a new home soon.” She gave me a soft smile.

“I'll be happier if I was back in my own house looking after myself thanks.” I gave her a cold glance and walked out of the room.


“She doesn't have a criminal record, the only record she has is this one. There is nothing wrong with her. Perfect health. Perfect school records. She seems to be fine by herself why can't we let her live there?”

“Because it's against the law Officer Hanson, We all know that”.

Those were the hushed whispers I eavesdropped on while I was sitting there texting David the whole time.

D: David

L: Lola

L: I'm going into a foster home! What am I gonna do!

D: Hopefully u wll b at da sme skool so we can c each other

L: Hopefully

D: But wat about all ur parents stuff

L: They r going to take me hme to c dat stuff soon

D: r u still at da station?

L: Yes :(

D: gtg dinners calling. C u at skool hopefully. Bye <3

L: bye <3

“Lets go now.” An old man guides me to a car and another lady gets in beside him.

“Am I going to jail or am I free?”

“No one even considered jail but we will have to see your parents things before re considering anything. The only idea we have at the moment is getting you into foster care.”

we all go back into my house and I lead them upstairs.

“In there” I tell them. They looked doubtfully at the small hole and then they usher me forward and into he hole. I go through the cellar entrance and jump into the cellar, left exactly where I left it yesterday.

“Would you like to show the contents of this bag” The old man points down at my mothers handbag.

The tears started falling when I pulled out the picture in my mums wallet. The picture of mum and I eating ice cream outside Ollie's cafe, mine all over my hands and there's some on mums nose. I gave them all the evidence, everything. Then the lady helped me pack my suitcase and we went back into the car and drove next to the station where a small motel for the police's charges went.

“Here's your room, i'll keep the key and i'm just down the hall if you need anything” the lady who I found out is called Officer Rosa told me before going down the hall.

I just dumped my suit case, flopped on my bed and cried.

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