Sherlock Dave

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David's pov:

After Lola told me her entire life story I was, well, I was feeling a lot of things:





Wait? Why would I feel guilty?

Because you could of been her prince charming and saved her from that trecherous life of course!

That might be true.

But that gun. I swear i've seen that gun somewhere


Kel- Tec PF9 


It couldn't be the one that was on the news ages ago. That story involved a plane. . .

I felt my eyes widen slightly and I bring out a crumpled piece of paper. It was a photo I kept from Lola's cellar. This photo reached out to me for 2 reasons:

1. Because Lola had arranged her cellar to have all her baby photos ages 0-5 hanging from the ceiling and ages 6-12 going around the cellar ending at the entrance. i took the last photo of the entire collection on the far side of the entrance, meaning this was the last photo that was taken before her parents died.

2. Because if you look closer at the photo there is a piece of paper sticking out of Lola's dads jeans, It reads something like a code:

17709 Arrival

Arrival obviously means that something or someone is ariving on a transportation device. But that code, what mode of transport could you see a code on?

Looking through my books, yes i'm a nerd at heart, Reading through passages and coming on my last page all I see is PLANES!!!!

there is always a code on a plane but how could i get to the airport to figure out which plane it is?

My mum's courier service goes to and from the planes to the lost property section so I could sneak into the histpry records and figure out which plane it is!

. . . . .

Lola's pov:

David wasn't at school today. Where could he be. . .

Davids pov:

Sneaking through the back corridors in the massive maze of the airport I finally find a room covered in books and computers. Like a library.

Heading over to the first computer and stabbing in the didgets the search comes up with this:

'I'm Sorry there is not a plane in the world with that code.'

"SHIT!" I banged the computer with my fist makinga huge crack sound. Slowly remmoving my hand from the computer screen i see that ive made a huge crack in the screen. i never knew i was that strong!

Quietly leaving the room and sprinting back to my mum's van, she comes back just after i had. 

. . . . .

Sitting on my bed I go over the facts in my head. 

About that plane story on the news, when was it aired? Logging onto my macbook and checking out the news website, the searck comes up with alot of answers, but nothing about the code. That lives news update was on the 17th of july 2009 after the plane crash. 

Wait. 2009 that was 4 years ago, when Lola was orphaned.

17th. Those are the first 2 digits in the code.

Maybe i didn't look close enough. Bringing the photo up to my face i squint at the tiny piece of paper. but that code is not a code.

It's a date.

the 17th of July which is the 7th month in the year and 2009, 09


The gun was the pilot killing himself after he left the plane. he shot himesleft in the face first, knowing that no one could identify him if his face was mangled. And that was after the plane crash that killed Lola's mum. 

Lola's dad killed his own wife

Wait till Lola knows about this.

. . . . . 

A/N Hello again! can't remember how many times I deleted and re deleted to make this right. sorry i have a tendancy to go from past tense to future tense or something like that! lol

:) :P

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