Let the fame begin

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Chapter 2 

Erica's POV:

I woke up with Jade talking.

"Really. No way. Oh my god. Yes. Well be there as soon as possible." I heard her say.

"Lets go lazy ass. We have an interview." Jade said yelling.

"I wanna be drunk when I wake up. On the right side of the wrong bed." I sang. I quickly got dressed and Jade called a Uber.

"Girls over here." Sam said. We walked over and he told us that we'll get cued to walk in.

************ INTERVIEW***************

"Now as much as I am having fun here with you all. We have some special guest. Please put your hands together. This is. The one and only. Double Trouble." Just as that was said we got the cue. We walked into the area seeing all of the adoring fans.

"Well Hello DT." The lady said.

"Hi." I said sheeply.

"This is just whoa." Jade said.

"How do you girls feel about the band?"

"Honestly this band was the best thing that could have ever happened to me." I said.

"I say the same thing." Jade said.

"So why did you start the band?"

"We started it because it was a way that we got away for awhile. " Jade said.

"What started the band?"

"What started the band was that we both were going through tough times. Depression and anxiety. For me I had a lot of family issues going on. My mother hated me and my father disowned me as his own." I said.

"As for you Jade."

"For me it was just a lot of pressure trying to fit in. My so called "friends" ditched me so I was out there alone. My family didn't help a lot. I'm an only child and my mother died at birth. My father was very supportive, but then again having an bitch of step mom wasn't better." Jade said.

"Did either of you go to self-harm."

"Sadly I did. I would burn myself." Jade said. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her in.


"No. I did not. I had to stay strong for my baby brothers." I said rubbing Jade's back.

"I'm so sorry..."

"What saved me was Erica. This band and another." Jade said through tears.

"May I ask what band?"

"5 Seconds Of Summer." Jade said smiling.

"How much did they help you."

Jade looked at me and I looked at her. Then we both looked at our fans.

"If it wasn't for them. If it wasn't for music at all. I don't think I would be here." Jade said.

"I wouldn't know what to do with out my best friend." I said. Jade smiled through her tears and I hugged her even closer.

"I got you J. I got you." I whispered.

"Your my best friend and don't tell yourself other wise. You made it this far. Remember your story isn't over. All of you. Suffering through depression and anxiety. Is not fun at all. I know what's it like to have suicidal thoughts. I don't know the pain to start. But what I do know is to stay strong. Cause your story isn't over yet." I said reveling my semicolon tattoo. I saw a lot of people smiling and wiping tears away. I hear even more clapping. I look past the crowed and see Sam giving us a thumbs up. I see phones get put away and stop recording.

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