(Cake Cake) No make-up

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Chapter 9

Erica's POV:

We quietly walked over to Haydn's bed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Me and Jade yell. Jade throwing the small cake in Haydn's face.

"Your 20 now. Seems like this month flew by so fast." I said. Yes it has been a month on tour with 5SOS. We talk to them a lot. They call us best friends. So we do the same.

"Fuck you." Haydn said.

"I don't have time sorry." I said walking away. I walk into the lounging area on the bus. Yes we are on a tour bus. We got our own,but will be having the Guys join us because Sam wants to make it seem like romance could happen. Just as I walked in I got silly stinged.

"You motherdicks!" I yell throwing a pillow at them.

"You love us." Ashton said laughing. I flipped him off.

"When and where." He replied us laughing.

"Anytime and anywhere booboo." I said. We all started dying of laughter.

"It's the birthday girl." Calum said. Haydn walked out with cake still on her face.

"Fuck you you fucking fuck." She said smearing icing on his face.

"SNEAK ATTACK!" Jade yelled shooting a nerf cross bow. Michael picked her up and kissed her. Yes they started dating,but haven't told anyone. We only know caused me and Ashton walked in on a heated make-out session.

"Cuddle buddy." Ashton said lifting me up. One amazing things being best friend..... you can cuddle.


"Your such a child." Calum said.

"You don't have to be a little bitch about it." I said.

"Oh hell nah. Listen here bitch." Calum started.

"No you listen hear you cuntfuck." Haydn said. "We are not clubbing this year. I repeat no clubbing. Last year was hell. Assholes still go in when they found out my ID was fake."  They all groaned while I cheered. They all snapped their heads to me.

"What? I have bad luck." I say them nodding. Haydn finally gets the cake off her face and we all head to the stage. We have a concert on her birthday. This will be entertaining. Us girls had sound check first.

"Can I get hey hey?" Jade asked in the mic.

"Nope." I said.

"Na-uh." Jade said. (Bad lips reading The Walking Dead)

"They cheer. We fight. They cry. We struggle to survive." Haydn sang.

"Still don't know how you wrote that, Erica." Jade said. I just shrugged.

"They hope. We die. They pray. We cry." Haydn went on.

"They beg on their knees. Begging to survive. They have it all to win this fight, but they crash and burn at the sight. The scars they create. Will never be replaced. They wont fade away. They're here to stay. To remind us the battle we go through. Our demons somehow come back to life. To finish that fight. Who knows who will win. Starring at the blade telling you to let it in. They break us down as we cry. They became our friends tonight. Promised to stick by our sides. We wonder why. Why did we get like this." I sang. (I just made that all up. OMG this would make a great song. To my song book... that has nothing in it.)

"They remind us everyday. The pain that people cause. So they invite their friends to come and play. You think you'll end it all. You sit there and bawl. These demon's are hard to fight,but stay with me friend. I need you here by my side. I know it's hard to take control. I promise I wont leave you. They hope. We die. They pray. We cry." Jade sang. (UPDATE I WROTE IT DOWN!)

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