Weird as FUCK

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Chapter 3

Erica's POV:

"Hey hey hey hey." I said poking Jade.

"Stop it." She said gritting her teeth. I laughed and went back to the camera.

"What is up Internet. So today we're recording." I said rolling in view.

"Look who it is. Its Sam." Jade said waving. We turned the camera to him and he waved.

"To the studio." I said.

"Run bitch run." Jade yelled. I laughed walking. We went to our booth and I saw the piano.

"Today we thought we could hear how Unsteady is sounding." Our producer said. We nodded.

"Erica your up first. Start from the "Momma come here." I nodded. I started playing.

"Momma come here. Approch apear. Daddy I'm alone. Cause this house don't feel like home. If you love me, don't let go. If you love me, don't let go." I sang.

"That was amazing. Were good." We would do more of the song,but we haven't finished it. I looked at the piano and started playing a beat.

"They would scream. They would yell. They were fighting it out." I heard Jade sing. My phone started going off and it was one of my many younger brother.


"How's the recording?"

"Its great L."

"When you coming to see us."

"Soon bud. "

"Will you be here for my birthday."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. Should you be sleeping. Its bedtime in Pa."

"Night Sis." They all coursed.

"Night." (A/N I haven't decided how many brothers she has... yet)

"Can I do something real quick." I said. I got a thumbs up.

"She got a big booty so I call her big booty. You do not know how long I wanted to do that." I said laughing. I walked out and Jade went in.

"Sam needs Double Trouble in his office." We walked to his office and we knocked on the door.

"Come in." Sam said. There and behold is 5 Seconds of Summer. Not like the first time we met them wasn't awkward.  I sat down first in front of Sam and Jade.... sat on me.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Nope." She responded. I quickly stood up and watched her fall. I started laughing. Sam coughed and we sat quickly.

"How would you girls like to go on tour?" Sam asked. I looked at Jade wide eyed.

"Your kidding right?" Jade asked. Sam shook his head.

"We would love to go on tour." I said.

"Good. You can go." Sam said. Jade looked at me, but I shrugged and got up. We walked to the studio hearing footsteps behind us. I ignored it and continued walking. I got to the studio and opened the door. I was talking to the producer when Jade walked in.

"Sorry I got caught up." Jade said. "I was talking to some people." Then 5SOS walked in. Great. I turned back to the producer.

"I think that if we add on a instrument then it would sound better." I said.

"True. It does feel like it's missing something." The producer said.

"I may have an idea. Wait here." I said walking in the booth. I grabbed the bass and started playing.

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