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Chapter 8

Erica's POV:

"Talk." Haydn said. I took a deep breath and looked at the door.

"Can we do this later." I begged.

"Nope. Now." Jade said.

"What if they walk in." I said. They both shrugged. "Fine." I said in between them.

"Before we got the news about tour. Blake came around. He said he changed and we went out to a club to celabrate. We got drunk... turns out we had unprotected sex. I missed my period and was throwing up in the mornings. So, I took a test. It was positive. I told him. He didn't want to be there. I didn't know what else to do. The band just hit it off. To have a kid would hold us back.... so when we got the news for tour. I got an abortion the day before our failed music video." I said in tears.

"You could have told us." Jade said.

"I panicked." I said.

"Hey. It's okay. Calm down. It's not your fault." Haydn said.

"I just ruined a child's life. They could have done great things, but I chose to get rid of it. I'm a monster." I said. There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Jade asked.

"Us." The guys said. Jade and Haydn looked at me and I slowly shook my head.

"Come in." Jade said. I wiped my tears and walked to the room.

"Is everything ok?" I heard Calum ask.

"It's personal." Haydn said.

"Come on. We're best friends." He said.

"I can't Calum." Haydn said. I heard him sigh.

"Erica! You gonna join us!" Jade yelled. I looked my meds then at the door. I grabbed the meds and opened them up. I shook my head and closed it. I walked to the door and opened it. I pushed my beanie further down my head looked down. When I got to everyone Jade and Haydn sat with Michael and Calum. Luke with them. Ashton was on the recliner. I looked at my phone. I need some time alone.

"Would you look at that. I have to go." I said walking to the door.

"Turn your ass around and sit. You are not leaving." Haydn said.

"Funny cause I'm the one near the door." I said.

"Fuck she has a point." Haydn said. I open the door and began to walk out. Half way down the hall I get picked up and thrown over a shoulder.

"Put me down." I yell.

"Nope." Ashton says.

"I hate you." I say poking the back of his head. We get to the room and he sets me down.

"FREEDOM." I yell.

"Not today." Ashton says picking me back up.

"I hate every single one of you with a burning passion from my heartless soul." I say. I got sat down. I tried to get up, but Ashton pulled me back down. I groaned.

"I need advice." Ashton asked. I looked at him knowing I can't move. I sighed.

"Hit me." I said.

"You saw the girl I was talking to." I nodded. "How do I get out of the friend zoned?"

"That's a tough one." I said. I look over at him as he starts pouting.

"All girl's are different. Does she talk about another guy?" I ask.

"Yes." He says looking down.

"There is no way in hell your getting out of the friend zoned." I said.

"Oh." He said.

"Sorry, but hey its her lost. You seem like a great guy." I said.

"Thanks." He said. I just smiled. I looked at my stomach. I'm a monster. I took a child's life. If my grandma found out she'll say 'Don't do it again. Next time I want to see my grand-baby.'

"Erica." Luke yelled.

"Huh. What. Sorry." I said blushing.

"What were you thinking about that made you start crying?" Calum asked. Wait. I'm crying. I wipe my cheek. I'm crying....... of course.

"Uh.... nothing. Don't worry about it." I said.

"Who's this Blake guy." Michael said looking at his phone.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He keeps tweeting something about...." He stopped dead in his tracks dropped his phone and looked at me.

"Did you ever have an abortion." Michael said. A lump formed in my throat.

"It's personal." I said getting up.

"So you ended a child's life." Michael said.

"She said it's personal." Jade looked pissed.

"You still ended it's life." Michael said.

"What the hell is your problem Mike. So what if she did. At least she didn't wait until it was growing. I actually thought you weren't an asshole. I was dead wrong. If she said it was personal you drop it. You don't know two shit's about us. You don't know our past and you sure in the hell don't know what we still go through. Everyday is a living hell for all of us. We all put a fake smile and act like everything is fucking fine. Well you know what. All fucking four of you just saw through us. If you all really wanted to know us. Then don't judge and drop it." Jade yelled. I haven't seen her this pissed in a while.

"I'm heading out." Jade said walking out. We all sat there in shock.

"Sorry." Michael said. I bit my lip.

"If you must know. I got the abortion because the father wanted nothing to do with it. Its father was also my abusive ex. Also with tour and everything. I didn't want to feel like a bother." I said getting up.

"I-i didn't know." Michael said.

"No one does. Its called hiding it." I said. I pulled Mike in a hug. "Your lucky I'm a very forgiving person." It took him a while to hug back.

"What the fuck just happened?" Calum asked confused. We all laugh. "No like really. I'm lost." I explained everything to him.

"Oh." He said.

"I'm back." Jade slurred.

"Jesus fuck." I said. She stumbled walking toward me.

"I have to tell you something. You can't tell the guys, but I like Michael. I just pretend I hate him in fear of repeating my past. Shhhhh." Jade said laughing at the end.

"KITTY." She yelled patting my head. I forward my brow.

"Da fuck." I mouthed.

This is going to be a long night.

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