Mr and Mrs. Irwin

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Chapter 18

Erica's POV:

This can not be happening. I looked at the test again and silently slide down the door. I held back the loud sobs. I always thought that when I get pregnant it could wait till my honeymoon. 

"Babe you alright?" Ashton asked. I looked down at the wedding ring and smiled. Yes I married Ashton. The honey moon had to wait because of tour. 

"Just fine." I said through the door. I quickly tried to get rid of the test. I threw in the garbage and walked out. 

"What's wrong?" Ashton said pulling me in my my waist. 

"I'm fine." I said. I try to walk away but he keeps a hold of my waist. 

"I know your lying. We may be only married for a month, but we have dated for awhile." He said. I sighed knowing I wasn't winning. 

I took a deep breath and said "How would you feel about being a dad?" I turn to him and his face fell. I fought the tears and broke away. I slowly began walking away.

"I'm going to be a dad?" He asks. I slowly nod my head. He runs to me turns me and picks me up. He pulled me in for a long kiss. "I love you." 

"I love you too." I said smiling. 

"I gotta head to the stage." He said. We kissed one more time then he had to go. 

"Sooooooo your pregnant I hear." Jade said wiggling her eye brow. 

"WITHOUT MY CONSENT YOU'VE GONE ROUGE!" Haydn yelled. We all laughed. We joined the guys on tour. We ended ours when they started theirs. 

"You grow up so fast." Haydn said wiping a fake tear away. Music started playing and I look over to Jade.... lip singing. 

"Havin' my baby

What a lovely way of sayin' how much you love me
Havin' my baby
What a lovely way of sayin' what you're thinkin' of me
I can see it, face is glowin'
I can see in your eyes, I'm happy you know it

That you're havin' my baby
You're the woman I love and I love what it's doin' to ya
Havin' my baby
You're a woman in love and I love what's goin' through ya

The need inside you, I see it showin'
Whoa, the seed inside ya, baby, do you feel it growin'?
Are you happy you know it? That you're

Havin' my baby

I'm a woman in love and I love what it's doin' to me
Havin' my baby
I'm a woman in love and I love what's goin' through me

Didn't have to keep it
Wouldn't put ya through it
You could have swept it from your life
But you wouldn't do it, no, you wouldn't do it

And you're havin' my baby

I'm a woman in love and I love what it's doin' to me
Havin' my baby
I'm a woman in love and I love what's goin' through me

Havin' my baby (havin' my baby)
What a lovely way of sayin' how much you love me

Havin' my baby (havin' my baby)
I'm a woman in love and I love what's goin' through me" (Yes this is a real song.....) 

"I hate you guys sometimes." I said laughing. 

"How did Ashton take the news?" Haydn asked.

"You guys listened to the conversation." I said. 

"Oh right." Haydn said. I laughed at her and shook my head. We sat in the room thinking about names. 

"What about Derek James Irwin?" I said smiling. 

"Unless Ashton has a better name." Jade said laughing. We all joined in. 

"Erica we need you on the stage." I heard Someone say. I shrugged and got up. 

"Don't fall!" Haydn yelled out. I flipped her off hearing her laugh, but it would be my luck to trip and fall on stage. I get to the stage and Ashton is waiting there. His face lights up when he sees me. He grabs my hand and brings me on stage. Last time he did this I cried. Just had to propose on live tv. 

"As you all know me and Erica are happily married. What you don't know is. We're expecting." Ashton said into the mic. I took it from him and said. 

"We're. Are you the one giving birth now." I said. The fans laugh and Calum leaned to his mic. 


"I'm so proud of him." Mike said. 

"I hate this band." Luke mumbled. We laughed. 

"I love you." Ashton whispered. 

"I love you too." I whispered back. 

"Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh

Life's a tangled web
Of cell phone calls and hashtag I-don't-knows
And you you're so caught up
In all the blinking lights and dial tones
I admit I'm a bit of a victim in the worldwide system too
But I've found my sweet escape when I'm alone with you

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps
Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favorite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh
We're so disconnected
Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh

Hands around my waist
You're counting up the hills across the sheets
And I'm a falling star
A glimmer lighting up these cotton streets
I admit I'm a bit of a fool for playing by the rules
But I've found my sweet escape when I'm alone with you

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps
Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Turn off the radio
Those late night TV shows
Hang up the telephone
And just be here with me

Turn off the radio
Those late night TV shows
Hang up the telephone
And just be here with me

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh
We're so disconnected
Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh" I smiled as they finished the song. Ashton pulled me in for a kiss. 

"GET SOME!" Luke yelled. I flipped him off and we laughed. 

"I'll see you after." Ashton said. I nodded and kissed his cheek. I walked off and he went to his drums.

 I love this dork. 

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