The Mess I Made

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Chapter 10

Erica's POV:

"Break me down, you got a lovely face. We're going to your place. And now you got to freak me out. Scream so loud, getting fuckin' laid. You want me to stay, but I got to make my way." This is what I wake up to.

"Hey.You're a crazy bitch. But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it. When I dream, I'm doing you all night. Scratches all down my back to keep me right on." I get out of my bunk and walk out. I rub my eyes to see Haydn and Jade dancing to Crazy Bitch. I started recording them. Just then the guys walk in and I bust out laughing. Haydn turned around and shrugged going back to her weird ass I mean amazing dance moves. (Love ya Rose *Dying of laughter cause of tech) Jade dropped what she was doing.

"What did we walk into?" Luke said.

"I don't know. I just woke up." I said. I got to fix my sweatpants.

"Did I strip sleep." I say laughing.

"Somehow you did." Haydn said.

"Please tell me your wearing shorts." Calum said looking away. I lifted up my hoodie and showed my booty shorts.

"Yes I am." I said.

"She has legs. I've only seen her in pants." Michael said laughing. I stuck my tongue at him. I walk over to the couch and sit down. I pulled out my phone realizing it's my brothers birthday. I clicked on his contact and called. I forgot that I'm in a different time zone so he wouldn't be up yet.

"Hello." A tired Lance said.

"Happy birthday baby bro." I say.

"Thanks E." he said.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it home bud,but I promise when I get home we are going to celebrate." I say.

"You promise." He said.

"On our mothers grave." I say.

"I have to go. Bye sis. Love you." He said.

"Bye love you too." I say. I hung up the phone.

"He got over you not being home." Haydn said.

"Kind of. He's still bummed." I say scrolling through Facebook. My phone got taken out of my hand. "Hey."

"Where's my cuddles." Ashton said.

"Your not getting them now." I said turning from him.

"How rude." He says. I flip my hair all sassy.


"Wheeeee." I said. I was in a spinny chair on the stage. We got bored and we had extra time before soundcheck. Haydn ran into me in her chair as we just laughed. We look over to a piano being put on the stage. I got up from my chair and got prepared to play. I started playing our new song from our album.

"Should've kissed you there

I should've held your face
I should've watched those eyes
Instead of run in place
I should've called you out
I should've said your name
I should've turned around
I should've looked again

But ohh, I'm staring at the mess I made
I'm staring at the mess I made
I'm staring at the mess I made
As you turn, you take your heart and walk away

Should've held my ground
I could've been redeemed
For every second chance
That changed its mind on me,
I should've spoken up
I should've proudly claimed
That oh my head's to blame
For all my hearts mistakes

But oh, I'm staring at the mess I made
I'm staring at the mess I made
I'm staring at the mess I made
As you turn, you take your heart and walk away

And it's, you
And it's, you
And it's, you
And it's, you
And it's falling down
As you walk away
And it's on me now
As you go

But oh, I'm staring at the mess I made
I'm staring at the mess I made
I'm staring at the mess I made
As you turn, you take your heart and walk away

And it's falling down
As you walk away
And it's on me now
As you go

But oh, I'm staring at the mess I made
I'm staring at the mess I made
I'm staring at the mess I made
As you turn, you take your heart and walk away."

"Brings a tear to my eye." Calum said wiping a fake tear away. I laugh. A pair of hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who." They said.

"Hi Ash." I say.

"Damn it." He said sitting next to me.

"Lean on me. When your not strong I'll be your friend. I'll help you carry on." Ashton sang. I started laughing remembering the keek.

I look over to Ashton smiling at me. I bite my lip and blush. He puts his hand under my chin. We heard fans showing up to sound check. The ones who got the seats. He removed his hand and I went back to playing. It was the guys turn and I was sitting in Double Troubles dressing room.

"Soooooo. You and Ashton aye." Jade said. I rolled my eyes.

"It's nothing. We're just friends." I said.

"Not what I saw." Haydn said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Saw what." I said.

"He was gonna make a move and then the fans came in." Haydn said. I blushed.

"It's nothing. It was nothing." I said.

"Quit lying to yourself." Jade said.

"I don't know why you guys are making a big deal about it. So what we almost kissed. I don't know..... I just don't want another Blake." I said.

"Knock knock." Ashton said. We look up and he's standing there. "Can we talk Erica." I nod my head and get up. Haydn and Jade start oooo-ing. I flipped them off. He started walking to the stage and grabbed my hand.

"Um. Ash... what are you doing." I say stopping.

"Come on." He said pulling me. He brought me on stage and the fans go crazy.

"As I promised." He said into a mic. I stand there frozen not knowing what to do. I see the girl from the first time we were in London. "If it wasn't for Erica I wouldn't have this lovely girl as my girlfriend. Thank you Erica."

So not what I was hoping for. I put on a fake smile as they share a kiss. I slowly and awkwardly walk off fighting back tears. I see Jade and Haydn look at me then at the stage in shock. They hug me when we go out of sight.

"I'm sorry." Jade said.

"It's fine. He doesn't even know me." I said. Haydn gave me a sad smile.

"I'm fine. Honestly. I promise." I say. They rub my back and we head to the bus. The guy's old bus was back. We see Sam.

"Girls. Great news. Your going on your own tour." Sam said smiling. We start squealing and jumping.

"When do we leave?" I ask.

"Now." Sam said. I nodded and walked on the bus. The other two quickly sent goodbye texts. I just wanted to leave.

Now I am.


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