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Chapter 12

Erica's POV:

I stared at the Whisky bottle. Drinking away the pain. Just like my dad did. I hear the door open and close. Laughter filling the room. I spin the bottle between my hands. I already drank it clean. I just couldn't find the Rum.

"Erica?" Jade asked. I sloch over and lay my head down on my hands. My elbows rested on my knee's as I sat on the couch.

"Erica.... are you drunk?" Haydn asked.

"What a great first question." I said.

"So your not drunk." Haydn said.

"Not drunk enough." I mumble.

"You drank all of our whiskey." Jade said. I shrugged.

"I did. Opps." I said. I feel the bus jerk forward.

"They didn't give us time to leave." Luke said. I rolled my eyes. Two bottles of whisky is not doing it for me. My phone started going off. I couldn't see who it is so I ignored it. I felt some one sit next to me.

"Cheer up Erica." Jade said. I looked at her.

"Yeah, sorry that doesn't work anymore." I said.

"You have to stop thinking about the past and tell some one. That something." Jade said. I laughed.

"No." I said.

"Where's the rum. Let's get the Honest Erica." Haydn said. I flipped her off.

"I don't feel like being hungover. Last time I was. I had a one night stand..... that got me pregnant." I say.

"I've never been around you when your drunk." Calum said.

"And you never will." I say. I slowly get up and try to walk to my bunk. I get pushed down and Haydn forces the Rum down my throat..........I grabbed the bottle from her and spit it. "That has to be the most grossest tasting Rum ever."

"What about vodka?" Haydn said.

"You really want me drunk. Don't you." I say looking at her. She shakes her head yes and jumps up and down.

"No." Jade said.

"Can we just go." Bryana 'whispered'. (Again I loved them together. They were so cute!) I grabbed the vodka and downed half of it.

"That's it your done." Jade said.

"But whyyyyyy." I slurred.

"Jesus your turning into your father." Jade said. I giggled.

"Did I ever tell you how he abused me. And that Blake would join in." I said laughing. "You can't tell anyone,but my mom would hit me too. I was the personal punching bag. My dad even raped me one night." I giggle leaning onto Jade. Drunk me really needs to shut up. I grabbed the vodka again and drank it. The burning liquid slide down my throat. I finished the bottle and laughed.

"It's bed time." Jade said.

"It was just getting good." Haydn complained.

"Wait wait. I have a secret. I tried overdosing." I giggled. Then black.

I woke up with a pounding headache. Groaning I roll out of my bunk. I slowly trudge out. I rub my temples.

"Good morning drunk beauty." Haydn said. I flipped her off sitting next to her.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"Lots." Luke said. I groan.

"Don't remember a thing?" Mike asked. I nodded.

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