End up here

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Ashton's POV:

"Breath baby." I said. Erica glared at me.

"I am breathing." She said. She gripped my hand even tighter.

"Okay and push." The doctor said. Erica let out a painful scream.

"This is your fault. Next time I'm going to cut your dick off." Erica yelled.

"Don't worry they all say that out of pain." The doctor said.


"Congratulations. You have a boy." The nurse said.  "What's his name?" I smiled and looked at Erica.

"Derek James Irwin." We said at the same time. Erica looked down at Derek.

"Hi baby boy." She cooed. He giggled.

"Awe he's so cute. What did you name him." Harley asked. This is Luke's girlfriend. Actually wife. Erica looked at Jade and Haydn. They just smiled and told her "Trouble"

"No I'm kidding its Derek James." Erica said smiling.

"He's adorable." Jade said. "Just two more months until Serria is born."

"Goodluck Mike." I said. Erica hit my arm. "Ouch."

"You put your dick some where it shouldn't have been." Erica said.

"It's suppose to." Calum said. Erica flipped him off. He just shrugged.


I opened the door and let Erica and Derek in. Erica looked exhausted so I took over.

"I'll put him in his room. You go lay in bed." I said. She put Derek down and wrapped her arms around me.

"God I love you." She said. I kissed her forehead.

"I'll see you when I get up there." I said. She nodded slowly walking up the stairs. I picked up Derek and smiled. This is my son. I don't ever want to have him feel the way I did. I will never walk out on him. I brought him up to his room. To think this all started because of tour. I put him in his crib and turned on the baby monitor. Just before I could leave the room and he starts crying. Should've known. I walk back and look at the boy. I picked him up and rocked him. I heard shuffling and knew Erica was up. I turn to the door and look at her.

"I thought I told you to go to bed." I said.

"I heard him crying." Erica said. She walked up to me and took Derek and laid him on her chest. I kissed her head.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Erica said. She put him back in the crib and we quietly walked to our room. She crawled on the bed and flopped down. I laughed and she flipped me off.

"I have many times." I said. She wacked my chest. I pulled her closer to me. "Is that my shirt?"

"You mean the one that you wore on our first date. Showing off the marks I left." She said.

"Not this again." I heard her chuckle.

"Goodnight baby." She said.

"Night love." I said.


Erica's POV: (

Finally a day alone. Derek is with Haydn and Calum. It's been 6 weeks and I have gotten little sleep. I walked down stairs seeing Ash on the couch.

"I thought you went to the studio." I said scaring him.

"I wanted to stay home with my lovely wife." Ash said. He sat up and patted his lap. I laughed and sat next to him. I look up to him pouting. He pulled me on his lap so I was facing him.

"Someone's a little horny." I said going to move. He grabbed my hips and started attacking my neck. The door bell went off making him groan. I laughed. I looked at the peep hole to see Haydn. I opened the door.

"I'm pregnant." She said.

"Your telling me this why?" I asked. She pulled me outside.

"I don't know how to tell Calum. I'm scared. He seems fine with Derek,but that's your child." She said. I rubbed her back.

"Your married. Of course he wants kids. Tell him. If he doesn't want to be there then I will." I said smiling.

"Thank you. I don't know where I would be without you." She said. I hugged her and she left. I walk back in and get pushed up to the door.

*Warning this may be a little to detailed for some.*

"Finally. Some alone time." Ashton said. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He grinded our hips together leaving kisses down my neck. I moaned craving more.


Derek was now back and fussy. I was rocking him back to sleep when I started to play music. Ashton walked in and joined me.

"You walked in

Everyone was asking for your name
You just smiled and told them "Trouble"

My head spins
I'm pressed against the wall
Just watching your every move
You're way too cool
And you're coming this way
Coming this way

How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we're walking back to your place
You're telling me how you love that song
About living on a prayer
I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there
And when I wake up next to you I wonder how
How did we end up here?

(How did we end up,
How did we end up here?)

Next day out
Everybody thought you were so insane
'Cause you were so far out of my league

My friends say I should lock you down
Before you figure me out and you run away
But you don't and you won't as you kiss me
And you tell me that you're here to stay

How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we're walking back to your place
You're telling me how you love that song
About living on a prayer
I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there
And when I wake up next to you I wonder how
How did we end up here?

Call me lucky 'cause in the end
I'm a six and she's a ten
She's so fit, I'm insecure
But she keeps coming back for more

How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we're walking back to your place
You're telling me how you love that song
About living on a prayer
I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there
And when I wake up next to you I wonder how
How did we end up here?

How did we end up,
How did we end up here?

How did we end up,
How did we end up here?"

This is my family.

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