That's amazing

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Chapter 7

Jade's POV:

I look over to see Haydn is fast asleep. I chuckle lightly. I craw out of my bed and look out the window. Fans are surrounding the place. I heard a noise so I whip around and go head first with Erica.

"Motherdick." Me and Erica said. Only us.

"What are you doing up?" I asked.

"Nightmares." She sighed. I sat on the couch waiting for her to join.

"I just don't get it. You and Haydn have the worst past compared to mine, but you two are okay. While I'm over here crying like a big baby." Erica said.

"Your not being a baby. Yeah. Our past are different, but crying makes us stronger. I'm moving past mine. Well trying, but I have you and Haydn to make sure I do. If you would just talk to us. It could get better." I said.

"I know. I'm just not use to telling people how I feel. You know that." Erica said staring at the wall.

"Well you will. Now come on. Quit being so distant and loosen up. We're in the UK. Let's have some fun." I said. Erica smiled and nodded. We woke up Haydn and got dressed.

"Well hello, ladies." Micheal said as we walked past. I rolled my eyes at him laughing lightly.

"Too busy. Maybe next time." We heard a girl say.

"I'm not going to be here long." We heard Ashton say. So this is the girl he's talking about. Bummer. I was hoping she was fake. My OTP of him and Erica is now crushed.

"Oh okay. Well bye." The girl said walking away.

"You just got friend zoned so hard bro." Erica said. Ashton turned around and jumped.

"Shit. You scared me." He said to us.

"Sorry....." Erica said.

"To our walk." Haydn said pulling us along. We walked through the crowed of fans. I put my arms around Erica's and Haydn's shoulders.

"To Big Ben." Erica said. We laughed watching her skip.

"Wait up." We heard Luke yell. Erica stopped running into a person.

"Jesus fuck." Erica said. Luke gets to us with the other three lagging behind.

"Its 8 in the morning. Buy me coffee first." Calum said.

"How can you drink coffee?" I ask.

"Its amazing."Haydn said.

"Tea's better." Erica said.

"Hot chocolate." I said walking with Erica. We got stopped by fans. One had a big brother and this happened.

"Okay. If you can pick me up. I will kiss you." Erica challenged. The guy picked her up.... She kissed his cheek and ran off.

"That wasn't a kiss." He yelled.

"It was my good sir. On the cheek. I never said where." Erica said laughing.

"This is why I'm your best friend." I said to her.

"I love you too babes." Erica said hugging me.

"What about me?" Haydn said laughing.

"Get in here booboo." I said.

"You three are worst than us." Calum said.

"You know you love me." Haydn said pinching Calum's cheeks. We finally got to Big Ben. Erica pulled out her phone and went on one knee.

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