Chapter 26

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After about 5 minutes of throwing up I was done and I just sat against the wall.

"Maybe I should take you to see a doctor tomorrow" Mr. Parker said

"No, you don't need to, I'll be fine in a couple of days" I say

I was getting up when I had to throw up again.

"Yep I'm taking you to a doctor" he said I nodded.

It was about 10 minutes later and I stopped throwing up, Mr. Parker helped me walk to my room and laid me down "I'm going to make an appointment for you tomorrow" he said and walked to the living room.

I laid on the bed thinking of what it could be and Mr. Parker came back and sat on the side of the bed.

"You got an appointment at 10:30 tomorrow" he said poking my arm

"Thank you" I say

"Well since it's Sunday do you want to watch a movie on Netflix?" he asks

"Yea, you pick" I say

He ends up picking the hobbit, I have no problem with it.

He comes and sits next to me so, I scot over do he can have room and I don't get him sick.

He props himself up with the wall that's behind the bed and watch.

Once the movies over he says "I have to make a call to Mr.Pinn,to tell him I have to take you to the doctors tomorrow, I'll be right back"and walks into the hallway

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