Chapter 3

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Once we got into his house I didn't expect much, but it was a lot more than I could imagine.
He said "I'll show you to your room and then show you around the house so you know where to go" all excitedly

He was showing me around his house and then he suddenly stopped in front on a door and said " this is my room, but it's really messy so I don't think I'll show you" I just laughed
He look at me weirdly and said " what" I said " I don't think your room is messier than mine was" I said with a smile " ok,but DO NOT laugh" he said firmly. he finally opened the door and I didn't look all that bad "it doesn't look bad but.....mine looks kinda like yours." (messy, not like I'm a stalker or anything) and we walked out of his room and we where going to eat dinner. "do you want to go out and eat? I don't feel like cooking today" he said. "sure where are we going?" I said
"Hmmm how about papacitas?" he said with a smirk " I love that place, YES!!!"

**At dinner**

We where sitting in a booth and our waitress came up to us and said "what can I get for you two" she was making goggly eyes at Mr. Parker. I felt a rage of jealousy and I just said " I'll take a Dr. Pepper" and she looked at me, wrote it down and looked back at Mr. Parker. he had a look of a terrified expression and a help me look.
"He would like a coke" I said trying to get her away, luckily that worked "I'll be right out with your drinks" she said and walked away.

Mr. Parker looked at me and said "thank you" I just smiled.

She came out with our drinks and took our order " I'll have the chicken fajita nachos" I said. Mr. Parker ordered the same thing as me cause he said he wanted to try something new.

**when we got our orders**
I was eating and so was Mr. Parker when the waitress came by and put a piece of paper by his drink and winked at him, she game me an evil glare witch mad me so mad.
He looked at the piece of paper and he said "she gave me her number and it also says,... never mind" he looked at me sad and hurt so I got the piece of paper and I read. "why are you with that girl she is ugly (and other hurtful words) call me and I'll show you a good time" I gave it back to him looked up she was smirking at me and Mr. Parker got 2 Togo boxes and I said " I'm going to go to the restroom I'll be right back" he said "ok"
After I was done crying in the restroom I walked out to Mr. Parker and went home.

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