Chapter 49

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"1- your pretty, 2- your smart, 3- your tall......" She goes on and on but I zone out, I don't really feel like all those things. I feel fat,dumb,ugly,worthless,a disappointment to everybody.
"Alright listen up!" Mr. Haney shouts, we all look at him "I think we all owe Zoe an apology" he says looking at me "sorry Zoe" everybody says "thanks" I say quietly "anyways we have 2 minutes left so start packing up" he said and we all get up to pack our stuff.
I didn't have really anything out just a pen and piece of paper.
When the bell rang me, Bella and a couple of other students from our class were going to band too.
When we got in the band hall I kept my head down so nobody could see the tear stains on my face.
Me and Bella walked to the storage room to get our instruments and music, then I remembered we have our Christmas concert tonight!
I was happy a little bit but not much.
I walked to my seat and put my instrument together and played a couple of notes to make sure it was the way I liked it and say there with it in my lap waiting for Mr. Pinn.
Mr. Pinn and Max came out "alright, Shhhhhhh" he said "tonight we have the Christmas concert and we
Need to go though each piece twice" he said. he said other stuff but I wasn't really listening "pope" he says I look at him "yes sir?" I ask "go sit in my office for a little bit, I need to talk to you" he says I nod and stand up.

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