Chapter 69

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I can here max on the other side of the door saying that it's time for them to go and that the bells about to ring.
He knocks on the door and I open it "thank god they didn't come in here" he says engulfing me in a hug. "I know" I say into his chest from behind me we hear 'awwww' from Bella we look at her and she has her hands on her cheeks admiring us "you guys make a cute couple" she says me and max look at each other and blush "uh"max says "I told her this morning that we were dating. I couldn't keep it from my friend, and I told her not to tell anyone" I say to max he nod "I told Mr. Pinn" he says and I nod "come on we got to get to class" he says and leads us out of the bathroom into the band room. the bell rings when we sit down in our seats 'that was close' I thought, we weren't doing anything in band today since we had the concert yesterday (we always get the day off after a concert) so we sat and talked for a bit until Mr. Pinn came out of his office to talk to all of us.
When he came out everybody got quiet and he started talking " I personally thought the concert went good last night, other than a couple things" he stopped after he said that and looked at me and continued "but I have a recording of all the concert so I'll play it for you then y'all can talk" he finished

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