Chapter 31

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June 1st 2015

It's almost Wolf's due date and me and Justin cannot wait. We had a baby shower a few nights ago and it was such a good night, all of our friends and family came to our house and everyone was such great company. We were given so much gifts which included baby clothes, shoes, toys and more furniture. Wolf has been spoilt rotten and he isn't even here yet.
Everyday Justin asks me if I'm okay, he doesn't let me move, he does everything and I'm so grateful for him because my back has been killing me, I've literally be crying for the past week because of it but I know it's all worth it in the end because I'm going to have a beautiful baby very soon. At nighttime when me and Justin are in bed, he will put his hand on my stomach and he will talk to Wolf. It is literally thee cutest thing ever, I'll be lay there crying my eyes out because of my hormones and the cuteness. It's so weird and exciting to know that me and Justin are going to be parents in a few weeks, it's crazy.

Today I'm spending the day on the couch watching TV like I have been for a while now. Kendall is coming over soon because she couldn't make the baby shower due to work so she's bringing her gifts over today. I'm currently watching Home Alone 2 because I'm literally in the Christmas spirit already and it's only May, don't judge.
"Can you get me some salt&vinegar crisps with tomato ketchup please?" I called to Justin who was in the kitchen making something for himself.
"Yeah just a second"
I haven't stopped eating salt&vinegar crisps and ketchup, it has been my craving since I became pregnant.
"Here you go" Justin said to me as he passed me my food with a bottle of full fat Coca Cola, another craving. My phone began to ring and I looked down at my phone to see Kenny calling.
"Yo I'm at the gate, can you buzz me in?"
"Yeah, Justin is gonna do it"
"Thanks bye" she said and hung up.
"Can you buzz Ken in please?" I asked Justin and then added the ketchup to my crisps. The door opened followed by a "hey guys". Kendall gave Justin a hug and walked over to me.
"You're still eating that shit?" "
I love it, I can't get enough"
"gross" she said pulling a face.
"How have you been?" She asked, placing a bag on the ground.
"Shitty. My back is in bits, I'm crying like all the time and I'm just getting stressed because I just want them here" I said and took a sip of my coke. Justin walked into the living room with two big boxes and placed them on the floor.
"Thanks Justin" Kendall said to him with a smile and he smiled back.
"Aw babe. I can't wait to meet them. Did you have a good baby shower?"
"Yeah it was so good, wolf has been spoilt by everyone"
"I have my gifts here" she reached over a grabbed one of the boxes and passed it to me.
I opened the box and pulled out a baby chair. It moves slowly in different directions and rocks the baby to sleep and there is hanging teddy bears which are animals.
"Ken I love this Thankyou so much" "You're welcome". Kendall bent down and passed me a bag that said Dior on it oh my g-. "OH" a sharp pain hit my stomach and I dropped the bag on the couch.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a little pain that's all" I was stood up so it felt worse than it was. I undid the ribbon on the ba-. Wait am I peeing myself? Kendall noticed too and looked down at my legs. My pyjama trousers were soaked with liquid and a puddle was at my feet.
"My water just broke" I said to her and my heart began to race.
"JUSTIN" Kendall shouted to Justin who then ran into the living room.
"Wha-" he cut himself off when he saw me "Her water just broke" Kendall said with panic running through her voice.
Another sharp pain hit my stomach and I winced in pain.
"The baby is coming I need to go to the hospital Justin".
"Shit" Justin and Kendall said at the same time.
"Is there anything I can do?"
"Yeah Ken can you go upstairs and in our room at the bottom of the bed on the floor can you get the suitcase that is there please and follow us both down to the hospital" Justin asked as he picked me up to carry my to the car
"yeah sure I'll see you guys down there".
Me and Justin made our way to the hospital.
"It hurts so bad" I began to cry to Justin. "I know baby, everything will be okay" he said and rubbed my leg. Justin parked the car and helped me out.

"Hey my girlfriend is going into labour, help us please" Justin said to the woman at the desk.
"Okay there's a wheelchair to your left, take one and I'll get a doctor"


We have been at the hospital for about half an hour now. I am in a private room and in lots of pain. The doctor walked back into the room with a clipboard.
"Okay Miss Grande. Your baby is in distress so we are going to do an emergency C-section to get your baby out". What?
"Is my baby going to be okay?" I said whilst wiping a fresh set of tears. "The baby will be fine so don't cry, let's get you down to theatre".
I hope Wolf is okay.
"I'll wait out here for you guys. Good luck. Love you both" Kendall said to us. She wants to wait here for us which I think was sweet of her. I began to think of happy things like the fact that I'm going to be a mother very very soon and that I'm going to meet my baby.
"You won't feel anything painful just your stomach will move a little that's all from us touching it to get the baby out." I nodded and held Justin's hand.
"Here we go baby, I'm so proud of you. Everything will be okay. I love you"
"I love you too"
"Okay we are about to get the baby out, Mr Bieber would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asked him. "Y-yeah"
"okay, and here is your baby" I let out a long breath, I'm a mom!.
"Here is your baby boy, congratulations" the doctor said as Justin cut the cord. A beautiful cry was let out and I let out a sob, my baby boy.
"He's gorgeous" I said as I admired my baby.
"Hi baby" Justin said to him and wiped my tears away.
"It's mommy and daddy here. Welcome to the world buddy".
"Beautiful" Justin said and I looked up at him. He had tears steaming down his cheeks, my babe.
"We are parents Justin. We did it"
"I'm so proud of you baby, We now have a a baby boy".

It's currently 6:20pm in the evening and surprisingly I'm allowed to go home. The doctors were happy for me to go and even though Wolf was born three weeks early they said it's normal for some babies to be born early and I had him early in the afternoon so he was checked and we are now on our way home. Kendall cried so much when she met Wolf, I cried too. again. I can't believe I'm a mom. We have told our close family and friends that we have had Wolf and some are coming to visit when we get home. I can't even put into words how I feel right now, I'm a mother!! I'm so excited for this new chapter in my life.

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