Chapter two(:

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I got into a pair of black skinny jeans and a different hoodie. I always wear hoodies. I dont like people staring at my scars. I made the mistake to roll the sleeves up today at school. Oh well. I hope Mr Rogers yelled at Jimmy. 

Me and Niall did go for a motorcycle ride. Even though im only twelve, i treat him like a boyfriend. He is adorable, and obviously nice, sice he cleans my cuts and bruises when daddy hurts me.  He and me do a daily check with my cuts and bruises. When he see's a new one, he'll take me to his house, and then he will clean it up. All better! Not. Hah! I wish all better. 

" I dont wanna go to daddy's house tonight. can i stay with you?" Im always asking Niall if i can move in with him.  Whats the answer? No. But not this time. "Yeah sure. Make sure when we back to your house you get some clothes and videogames. i wanna beat you at call of duty for once!" I laughed. 

"Haha! You wish!" I said as i punched him in the shoulder, lightly. "Oh no. Im so sorry Sir. I'll be quiet." Daddy never let me touch him. Even if it was important. "Babe you're fine! You need to treat my like a brother, not your dad. Please? Try?" I nodded.

We got to my house.  Great. Daddy was home. Thank god i would still be at school at this time. Me and Niall hid inside the shed. Daddy hates the shed.

I heard his wheels go out from the driveway and into the road. "Okay. he probably forgot something again." i whispered. I took out my cell phone. Hey, Niall insisted he buy it for me. 

I texted Harry.

(J-Joe H- Harry)

J- hey harry is daddy gone?

H-yeah come out. i saw you two go into the shed.

J-okay thanks. im spending the night wiht niall tonight though. i cant deal with a beating tonight.

H-okay. come and get your stuff before dad gets back. you two have only fifteen minutes. 


I set an alarm on my phone for ten minutes. I got Call of duty, some movies, clothes for tomorrow at school, and pajama's. and then an extra set of clothes for when me and niall have a foodfight making ice cream. it happens all the time.

We left when the alarm went off. "Bye Harry! Thanks for saving us out there too sir!" I said. Harry let me go. He can be nice, when he's not being a dick. Oh well!

Me and Niall stayed up until 2 in the morning. I had my school clothes on since he said he was going to take us for a motorcycle ride until school starts. It was nice. Seeing the stars, then seeing them go away, and the sun come out.  

We left for my school after breakfast at my fave, McDonalds. I walked into my classroom and the first thing that happend, was everyone was silent. We went on with our normal day, then Louis came to pick me up. He had to take me home since daddy was home. No escaping this beating.

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