Chapter twentyfour part two

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He ripped my shirt off, leaving me in my bikini top. I looked over to the door when i heard yelling and saw Liam running towards us. I stood up and next thing i know, my father shoots me in the stomach. He only did that because i was about to shoot his chest next. But, the blow took my back and i shot him in the arm again.

Liam kicked dad in the groin and ran over to my bleeding self. He caressed my face freely with his fingers and brushed hair out of my face. "Liam? How, How bad is it?" I choked out. He shushed me. "Please, dont try to speak. At all." I nodded and watched as he pulled his cell phone out. I turned my head slightly, but enough so i could see my father.

"L-Liam. He's getting up-p-p." I croaked out. His head turned quick, and he dodged the bullet, that would have went into his head if he didnt. "999? Yeah i need an ambulence and cops here like, now." I started to cough, hard. Liam didnt have me sit up at all. He made me sit there, and shake with every cough. 

"Okay..hey Joe they're on their way okay? Just calm down and breathe." I shook my head. "Li i cant hold out that much l-l-longer." He nodded, with tears falling down his face. "Yes you can. Please you need to" I shook my head again. 

"Liam if they dont come soon i wont be able to." He nodded. And then i heard the front door opening and Harry and Niall wondering what was happening. Liam looked back and then looked at me again. "They're here. " 

I nodded. "Liam, can you come closer?" He came close enough for me to kiss him, and kiss him i did. He didnt pull away at first, but when the door opened he pulled away. I smiled a bit. He looked up and saw the ambulence people who would take me away in that god damned truck.

"Liam please come with m-m-me." He nodded and held my hand. "You'll be fine. Trust me, you will." I nodded and started to wheeze. I closed my eyes, and the next time i opened them, Liam wasnt by my side, and i wasnt in the ambulence. 

"LIAM!! LIAM WHERE ARE YOU!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Turns out, i was supposed to be asleep because the doctor was preforming surgery to remove the bullet. "I need you to calm down!" 

I shook my head at the doctor. "HELL NAW NOT UNTIL LIAM IS AT MY SIDE!!" He sighed and a nurse came in. "Send in Liam Payne please." She nodded and i waited a few minutes. "How ya doin sir?" I asked the doctor, trying to break the silence as he looked around the hole he made in my stomach. 

The door opened and in came a Liam. "Haii Liam." He chuckled and shook his head. "You. My love. Are supposed to be asleep." I nodded. "But imma stubborn bitch so i woke up because my head didnt like being asleep so i fought with myself deciding whether or not i should wake up and make you come in or if i should just pretend to sleep because the doctor would not notice because he'd be staring at my tan ass belly!!" I said. 

Liam laughed, but i dont think the nurse or the doctor found it funny. "Can i finish looking for that damn bullet now?" I nodded and Liam held my hand while i squeezed it like it was a freaking capri-sun pouch or a go-gurt tube. 

"Liam do you have your phone?" He nodded and handed it to me. I took an upside down selfie, so you would be able to see the doctor operating on me. I went onto Liam's twitter account and laughed. 

I posted the picture to his twitter. "Okay you need to go to sleep." I sighed and let the doctor and the sleep meds take me under. Well, at least im living. 

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