chapter twenty(:

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"Call the cops. I'll go to jail just like my dad! " I yelled throughout the halls, causing looks from parents. "What! You heard me right!" I got mad. Then i did something i probably shouldnt have done.

I flipped a chair. I flipped a chair that was in the hall. Causing more parents to look at me. I started to see things. Things i couldnt tell if were real or not.

Snakes, being tattooed onto my wrist, by my father?. Harry kissing Ariana Grande. More like making out but whatevs. Fluffy running around the town (A/N: Only potterheads would understand :) I started to scream hysterically. I felt arms all around me. I didnt have one spot of exposed skin. Reality? Only Louis was grabbing my waist and carrying me into the room.

I looked at my wrist. Snakes still on there. I rubbed my fingers over the skin. Not a hallucination. I looked into the hall. Harry and Ariana? Hallucination. Fluffy was no doubt a hallucination. The arms all around me were a hallucination.

"Hallucinations. More and then more and then m-m-morre. *GAG*" If you've ever seen the movie 'The Ring' you saw that she pulled that thing they hook up to your head in a mental hospital out of her throught. Well, i watched that movie last night, and another hallucination came. I was doing that.

I ran back into the room and sat there. In the corner. Knees tucked to my chest. Crying. I put my ear buds in and played the album Abbey Road by The Beatles. (A/N: Dont judge mehh!) I sat there and then i fell asleep.

I woke up about two mintues later and the song playing was 'You Never Give Me Your Money'. I saw i had some texts from Niall. I ignored them and texted him back.

To Niall- Held back at the doctors office. Should be back in at least an hour. McDonalds?xx

He didnt text me back. I crawled out from the corner and sat on Liam's lap. "I want McDonalds. Please?" He laughed. Then the doctor came in.

"Joeseph. We found that your dad did indeed inject heroin into your system, so we wont contact the authorities or Rehab. We do though, need to take a few pints of blood to determine how much is still in your system."

I crawled onto that wierd bed type thing that was covered in the paper. They took out some of my blood. The doctor left and Niall and Harry ran in.

"YOU DO DRUGS?" I flinched at Harrys words. I curled myself into a ball and stayed there. Blocking out everyones words. I felt a hand on my waist. "I know you dont do drugs. You told me about it all the time. How does Harry not know?"

I shrugged at Niall's statement. "I honsetly do not know. He would stand there when it happened." Thats when i realized i didnt block everyones words out. The words had blocked me in.

Bad things about me flew around the room. I couldnt take anymore of it. "Text me the results. You all should be happy if you see me again."

I walked out of the room and made my way into the town. I didnt care about how i had looked. I didnt care about anything with my hair. I only cared about my safety.

I was on my phone reading a text when some guy walking by me pushed me and took my phone. "GET OVER HERE!" I ran after him.

I caught up to the guy and kicked him in the back. He stood up and tried to throw a punch when i ducked and punched him square in the face.

I grabbed my phone off of the pavement and read the text. "Oh no." I was literally full of the shit. I know why and Niall nor Harry does.


"Daddy daddy why do i need all of it in?" He ignored me and filled the syringe anyways. "Because the cops are coming and i have nowhere to hide it but inside of you! Now shut up!"

I fliched as he grabbed my arm and stabbed me with the needle. He emptied and filled that thing around twenty times.

"Daddy how much do you have?" He shook his head as he grabbed the larger syringe. He's not done.

"I just need to fill this one all the way up and then you're done and free to go to your room." My daddy was nice when he was on hangover. Well, with his words anyways.

"This might hurt a bit." I nodded and waited for this 'unknown liquid' to be injected into me. I felt it and then he pulled the syringe out.

"All done! Now go to your room. The police will be here any minute!" I nodded and left into my room.


No one really knew about that. I reread the text over and over again.

99.4 percent of your blood is filled with heroin.

I couldnt do anything about it. I needed to live with it. Unless i wanted to cut my arms everyday and make sure i got most of it out. Which was SO not going to happen!

I walked back to the house and was confronted by a pissed off harry. "HOW COME YOU NEVER FUCKING TOLD ME YOU DO DRUGS? GOD DAMN JOESEPH!"

I shoved him out of my way and just ran to my room. Which as of now is the attic. I never ame up here until now. I looked around and saw a big chest. I opened it and saw mulitple, stinky, rotting bodies.

"AHHHH HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK!!! AHHHH!" i kept screaming and screaming until someone FINALLY came to find me. It was Niall.

"Holy shit Niall. Im *gulp* fucking scared!" i couldnt stop shaking. THen i reconized one of the bodies. My mother.

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