Chapter eighteen(:

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Not Good


"What happened?" I asked, a bit worried. Niall and Harry FORCED a laugh when me and Madilynn climbed into the truck.

"Simon told us you cant live with us anymore. " I opened my mouth. Niall was about to say that 'close your mouth you'll catch flies.' bs. Yeah haha no. I actually caught a fly. I started coughing. Really hard. "You okay Joeseph??" I shook my head no. They didnt know it was an act.

I sat up and they stared at me like i was a ghost. Well, everyone but me and Madilynn. I told her before they picked us up that i would do something like that. She was trying not to laugh.

"You can laugh now Madilynn." She bursted. Niall's face went red. Harry stopped the truck. "Lets go home." I sighed. I had to go. "You know that was a prank, right?"  Niall said. I glared at him.

Madilynn sat on my lap as we went home. I showed her my room and she fell in love. She blushed when Liam and the boys hugged her. "You l-live with them?" Madilynn asked, face red as ever. I nodded.

I brought her out to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" I asked Madilynn. She didnt eat at the resturant. She only shook her head. I carried her into my room so i could ask her something. "Do you want to eat? Or are you forcing yourself?" She shook her head as in im soo wrong.

"No i havent eaten a good meal i only was able to eat garbage when Isabel would get the good stuff."i felt bad. I gave her a pop tart and she ate that right up.

"Come on. You still hungry?" She nodded. I left with her and gave her a bowl of cereal. "Is she seriously that hungry?" I nodded. Niall brought me into another room. "Can we- can you, be my girlfriend?" I smiled. I noddded my head slowly. 

Niall picked me up and spun me around. I held on tight and laughed as i felt the breeze. "Wanna go tell everyone else?" He asked when he put me down. I looked at him. 

"Harry is gonna have your head on his wall." We both laughed.

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