Chapter seven(:

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"I love you too."

I woke up in the hospital to see doctors pulling a blanket over my face. My eyes opened at the last second though. "AHHH! DOCTOR! DOCTOR!!" THe doctor ran into the room. "Goodmorning Joeseph Marie. What did you dream about darling?" I tried to think. 


"Hello Joeseph.." Daddy said, pulling out an all to familiar gun.. "Noo! NO DONT KILL HER PLEASE DADDY NO! NO!" I screamed as the last of the shots went off. He turned to my mom. "Goodnight." He turned around and there Harry was, tied up in a chair. Just like me, and mum were. "Say goodbye to Harry. Its not like you would have saved him. you were the one who had him audition, right? Then he got big shots and ruined us! OUR FAMILY!" I shook my head no. "NO DADDY HE DIDNT RUIN OUR FAMILY! YOU RUINED OUR FAMILY! YOU BEAT MUM THEN SHOT HER AND THEN BEAT ME! GO TO HELL!" I yelled. He shot Harry.

I looked at the nurse. Then at the doctor. "Where is Harry? Where is he! I need him! Tell me!" I started to scream. "Shh shh Joeseph Marie. Stand up SLOWLY, and we'll bring you to him. Now on my count okay One two three..." And i was up and out of that room. I walked rather fast after the doctor told me his room number. 345B. Found it. I walked in, to find Harry asleep. I turned to the doctor. 

"Is he okay? Will he be okay? I-i need him." The doctor motioned me to go over to his bed. I Put my hand on his heart. Bum bum. bum bum bum. bum bum bum bum bum. Nonstop beating. "DOCTOR! HIS HEART RATE! ITS GOING UP!" He ran over to me.  "Its just a nightmare. Ihope." I heard him whisper.  "Harry. Hazzaboo. Listen. you need to calm down okay? Its just me. Little ol JMarie. Im fine Harry. Calm down please." 

As i said that, his heart rate calmed down. Then he woke up. 


"Shh. Shh Hazzaboo. Im here. I-I'll always b-be here f-for you." She sounded hurt. I wanted to say something. I just couldnt.

Joe carried me to the ambulence, and they brought an extra strecher. They tended to me and Joe's wounds the best they could. I reached my arm across the space between me and her. I grabbed her hand. "JMarie. Im s-s-so sorry im such a b-bad big b-b-brother. You deserve better then me." I said. I couldnt live without her. Living without her is like, not even living. "No Harry. You're the best big brother anyone could ask for. Even before the fame you were. If anything, i should be sorry. daddy said he killed mum because she gave birth to a worthless, slutty, emo whore." I  turned my head. "No. No Joeseph he didnt. He killed mum because of me. I was famous and everyone cared about his sister and his mum. Nothing with his dad at all. And dont beleive anything he called you. You're beautiful, a great singer, a pretty good damn emo too." i said. It hurt worse when she listened to father. He deserves to be where he is. 

I hear Joe! Is she okay? Where is she? "Is he okay? Will he be okay? I-i need him." I heard joe say. She put her hand on my heart. Bum bum. bum bum bum. bum bum bum bum bum. Nonstop beating. "DOCTOR! HIS HEART RATE! ITS GOING UP!" She yelled. I heard someone run over to me.  "Its just a nightmare. Ihope." I heard him whisper.  "Harry. Hazzaboo. Listen. you need to calm down okay? Its just me. Little ol JMarie. Im fine Harry. Calm down please."  I heard Joe say. 

Okay Styles. Wake up, NOW! Okay. Try again. NOW!

I cant move. I cant even open my eyes. I want to see Joe.  I finally opened my eyes, and saw Joe standing there. "Hey Hazzaboo. You feeling any better?" I heard her say. I nodded my head. "Yeah JMarie. We'll be okay to leave when?" I asked the doctor. "If you can write well enough, Harry, you two may leave today. But stay here for a few more hours so we can do more blood tests." 

Hey, im fine as long as my little sister is. 

" Oh and Joeseph, nice strength. Everyone told me you carried him from where he was, to the basement, to the ambulence. Nice work." I looked at her. She is that strong? Pauls a good influence.


" Oh and Joeseph, nice strength. Everyone told me you carried him from where he was, to the basement, to the ambulence. Nice work." He looked at me. Yeah Harry! I carried you! Im thirteen years old, and you're what? Twenty? Nineteen? Oh well. I'M STRONGER THEN YOU! HAHA I TOLD YOU PAUL IS A GOOD INFLUENCE! If only mum could see me. 


Harry had just finished signing the release papers. "Harry, can we visit someone?" "Yeah who?" I llooked at him. "Mum."

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