Chapter six(:

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Niall took it back and then kissed my forehead. "Night Joe." "Night Horan."


Niall gave me back my phone, and set an alarm. Apparently after i went to sleep, he set the alarm to play justin bieber (i am not a big fan) and the little music tone was Baby, and he blared it. So im sorta kinda deaf in an ear.

Me and Niall are at the pharmacy so i can get my depression medicine. Niall is an impatieant little bastard. I love the fact that he treats me like a girlfriend though. Me and him are like, what, four year diffrence? Eh. Liam and Danielle were five years apart. 

"Hello how may i help you?" a man behind the counter said. "Um depression meds for Joeseph Marie Styles?" He typed something into a computor. "Okay. I'll be back in a few minutes." 

Me and Niall stood there talking. "So. Can you go to school tomorrow?" "Do you have rehearsal tomorrow?" He looked at me like he knew i was being a smart ass. "Yeah." "So there's your answer! Can i come afterschool though? Please! I wanna see if Harry will forgive me." "Okay. But you need to be quiet. Unlesss," Oh no. I know where he is going with this. "Fine! I'll sing a song with you guys." He smiled. "And?" Geesh Niall! I have to be in the video too? "FINE!" 

The man came back with our, er, my, medicine. "Hey. How old are you?" Seriously! He just asked me that? "Way too young for your skanky ass!" Me and Niall walked out of there like a boss.

We got home and we played video games. "Niiii! Im hungry!" He handed me cheesey puff things. "YUMM!" Then i got a text.

(J-Joe H-Harry)

H-hey jmarie. um i should have understood why the princible would have called the police on dad. im sorry for not only kicking you out, but for not talking to you. 

J-you havent called me JMarie since mom died. I thought you'd never call me that again.  

H-Yeah i know. 

J-well im coming to the studio tomorrow with you guys since mr you know who is making me do the song AND the video with you all. so ill see you tomorrow okay hazzaboo?

H- haha okay JMarie see you tomorrow afterschool?


H-Okayyy byee


Me and Niall stayed up until maybe 5 in the morning, so we really didnt need to try to sleep. The only reason we stayed up that late was because we drank four cases of redbull. Yeah i know. Not healthy. Niall said it put a smile on my face though! That's good to hear. Right?

Me and Niall went into the parking lot for the studio. The fans were everywhere. Oh, i forgot to tell you. Paul Higgins, you know, Daddy Direction? He taught me self defense, and strength builders, workiouts, alot of different things he does when someone wants to hurt the boys or something happens. And then i saw the worst thing any little sister would want to see. My one and only, big brother, Harry Styles, lying bloody, and unconcious, on the cement. I pushed thorugh all of the fans, ocasionally flipping one of them over my shoulder. I had to punch a guy in the stomach for pushing me. He was the lastperson i had to go through to get my brother, so i wasn't playing with no body. 

"NIALL!! CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW! TELLL THEM TO BRING COPS TOO!" I pratically screamed. I had Pauls number saved to my phone, so i had called him. He is like, a second dad to me, and the whole band. I dialed his number and he picked up. I sort of struggled because i was carrying Harry in my arms to somewhere none of the fans were allowed. The basement. 

I got there and took the phone out from between my shoulder and cheek. "Paul? Come to the studio. SOmething happend t-t-to Harry. I-i had Niall call the ambulence and told them to bring cops to. Help them get the fans out." Paul agreed then hung up. I caressed Harry's face with my free hand, because some girl was 'smart' enough to bring a knife. She cut my hand, then a huge gash on my arm. "Joe? Joe is th-th-that you?" I started crying. I cant beleive their 'caring' fans would do this to him. 

"Shh. Shh Hazzaboo. Im here. I-I'll always b-be here f-for you." I said my best, in between sobs. Niall ran into the basemant. "Pauls here. So are the cops. The ambulence cant get through." Okay well. I can carry Harry. "I'll carry Harry to the ambulence. I need to go to anyways. I got pushed and punched and cut. I'll carry him Niall. Go inside before the same happens to you." He obeyed. Good. I couldnt deal with his backtalk right now. 

"Come on Harry. I'll get you to that damn ambulence, if it costs me my life, so be it." I ran out of the basement to see papparazzi EVERYWHERE. I pushed through to get to that ambulence. Pushing through paps only earned me more cuts, bruises, and a shot in the shoulder. Who the fizz brings a gun? 

I got to the ambulence, and they brought an extra strecher. They tended to me and Harry's wounds the best they could. Harry reached his arm across the space between me and him. He grabbed my hand. "JMarie. Im s-s-so sorry im such a b-bad big b-b-brother. You deserve better then me." I couldnt live without him. Living without him is like, not even living. "No Harry. You're the best big brother anyone could ask for. Even before the fame you were. If anything, i should be sorry. daddy said he killed mum because she gave birth to a worthless, slutty, emo whore." Harry turned his head. "No. No Joeseph he didnt. He killed mum because of me. I was famous and everyone cared about his sister and his mum. Nothing with his dad at all. And dont beleive anything he called you. You're beautiful, a great singer, a pretty good damn emo too." He said in his british accent. It was adorable, even raspy. 

"Harry." "Yeah Joe?" 

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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