chapter fourteen(:

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"Nothing Ni."


Is what Gabe said true? Niall didnt seem all to, well, suprised. I love him too. I dont think i could live without him.  I wish daddy wouldnt have drank. Then we would be a happy family. But no. Lindsay had killed my mum. Framed my dad. Made him mad at work. Made him drink his head off. Made hiim come home to beat me until he knew what was happening. People say we shouldnt be together. Daddy never liked me. I would tell the princible. I shouldnt be with daddy.  I cant beleive he wouldnt care. Until he was on hangover. He would drink until he didnt know smoking is illegal.

I sat there. Thinking about all the wrong in my life. Daddy beating me. Lindsay killing mum. Daddy drinking. Daddy smoking. Daddy being arrested. Gabe killing himself. Everyone at school hating me. Jimmy calling me names.  Everyone laughing. Me cutting. Me being worthless. Me being born. Harry being blamed for me. 

I ended up finding myself in Nialls room. I was in the bathroom. I opened his cupboard. Knife. Pocket knife. Blade. Razor. Ah. Finally. My metal friends. Its been all to long. I heard my phone go off in my pocket. Ahh. my favorite song. 

So watch my chest heave As this last breath leaves me I am trying to be What you're dying to see I feel like "F*ck man, cant take this anymore this heart breaks this is life thats so thankless How could he just forsake us?

Racist he makes us hate us he gave us nothing but no trust and i am so f*cked up. So let this gun bond us lets hide by this lust and once we are just dust he'll know that he loved us. Let it all burn I will burn first. God ive tried. am i lost in your eyes? Just let me burn its what i deserve God ive lied, am i lost in your eyes?

So take me and make me weaken and save me this hate that you gave me Keeps saying the same thing To sing when you hurt and to sing when you cry to sing when you live and to sing when you die.

I answered whoever was calling. "Hello?" "Hey Joeseph. Whats up?" "Gabe?" I heard whoever was calling hang up. Well dont calll if you aint gonna talk. Then i grabbed the knife and put it to my stomach. Lots of things are on my stomach. Burns, bullets, tatto ink from daddys friend, cuts, daddy's cuts, i couldnt feel it. But i felt the blood go down my stomach.

I quickly cleaned it up and climbed back into bed with niall. It was only 2 in the morning, so i wasnt going to stay up. But i didnt get any sleep. I ended up getting out of bed again at three. I absolutly hated the fact i used all my pills already. 

I went into the fridge and took one of Liam's red bulls. Then i grabbed one of Zayn's monsters. I mixed the two and then just drank it all. All of it.  I couldnt sit still. I ran outside and ran in circles until dawn. Then i walked inside and passed out. 


I woke up in my bead, but not with Joeseph. I thoguht she fell asleep with me. I walked into the bathroom and saw my knife, wait, since when did i have a knife in here? I looked at it closer. There was blood on the blade. Oh no. Only one person has been here for the past two days, and she used to cut. 

I walked out of the bathroom and my bedroom and i looked in the kitchen. A few cans of redbull and monster were out. Oh god. They were mixed. I ran around the house trying to find Joeseph. I found her, knocked out in the hallway. There was blood surrounding her head. Oh no. The nail. I lifted her head up and there was that nail, in her head. 

"Hello? 911? Please come here quick!! Please! "Okay. Sir where are you? " I looked up. "Street forty two flat number turdy seven..' "Okay. Police, or ambulence?" "Ambulence!" Withen minutes there was an ambulence. 

I carried her outside and i rode with her in the ambulence. "How did you find her?" One of the men asked. "She mixed a few monsters and red bulls. I found her passed out right were that nail would stick up. " They tried to pull it out. No use. 

"She will need her head opened. Is this okay?" I nodded. "I should ask Harry though." I pulled my phone out and called him. I put him on speaker when he picked up. 

"Niall? Where are you? And where is my sister!"

"Mr Harry, Joeseph has a nail in her head. Is it acceptable to cut her head open to remove it?" 

Silence. "Yes sir. " He said.

We arrived at thehospital minutes later. They took her into the emergency room immediantly. I called harry and told him the hospital we were at. The rest of theboys came.

"Where *sniff* is Joeseph?? *sniff sniff* Is she okay? Please *sniff* tell me she's okay!"Harry said.  I just hugged him. "I dont know yet. "


"Niall called me! Joeseph got that nail in her head! We need to get to the hospital!" I screamed. Withen minutes fully dressed boys were standing in front og me. I threw on a hoodie and we left. 

"Where *sniff* is Joeseph?? *sniff sniff* Is she okay? Please *sniff* tell me she's okay!" i managed to say. I know Joeseph is strong. But her head isnt that strong. "I dont know yet" Niall said. I hugged him back. I need her.

"Mr Harry Styles and Mr Niall Horan?" A nurse said. Me and Niall stood up. "Right this way." I got really scared. I hope she is okay. 

We walked into a room where Joeseph had a bandage around her head.  She was wide awake and channel surfing. I smiled.

"You okay JMariee?" I asked, sluring my words. Im not drunk. Its only nine in the morning. "Yeah Hazzaboo. Im fine. Nialler? What are you doing here?" She asked Niall. At least i knew she was feeling good. "I found you. And the boys wernt to happy about the energy drinks you stole." She blushed.

"I couldnt sleep. I sat in bed for an hour before i decieded to take them." Niall's face fell. "You're missing a fact Joeseph. What did you do before you sat in bed for an hour before you stole the drinks." She stopped smiling. I noticed a wrap around her stomach.

I ran over to her and hugged her. "Did you?" Nod. "You did?" Nod. "Why?" She sat there as i asked the question. I saw her point to a knife in the corner. "It mocks me. I needed to feel something again." She picked up her empty depression med container. "I need mmore." 


I felt bad now. I cut. Niall was standing there. How the f did he find out? 

I stood up, and walked as far as i could go. That was until i was face to face with Niall. 

"When can i go?" I asked him. I need to tell him something once we're home. "You're able to leave now." He said. I hugged him. Hug. When will it be kisses? SNAP. OUT. OF. IT! 

I went to get changed.  "When we get home i have to tell you something." Nialls eyes widened. 

We got home. I dragged Niall by the hand into his room. "I know Niall. I know you lo- um. Fancy me." He shook his head. "Who told you? " I sat down. "My freind. He came to visit." His eyes widened. "Who?" He sat down. "Gabe."

Heyy! The ringtone song, is called "Paradise Lost" By Hollywood Undead. Hope you liked it

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