Chapter twentyfour part one

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I walked until i realized i was at the beach. I walked around and watched the sunset until i heard my phone buzz in the sand beside me. 

From Nialla- Where the fuck are you? Its just some sick prank babe!

I sighed and ended up calling Zayn. I set him on speaker so i could lay on my back while i talked. "Hey Zayn? Where are you right now?" "At the new house. Why?" I sighed once again and felt a tear roll down my cheeks. 

"Is it all some prank? Me being a distraction. Not being a Styles. Is it?" I heard Zayn sigh and then he inhaled. "Yes hun. I dont expect you to talk to Harry or Niall anytime soon, but me and Liam are here. Where are you?"

I chuckled a bit. "Umm. At the beach. Being watched by someone. Oh my god Zayn please come like now this person is walking towards me and im about to piss my pants fucking hurry!" I whispered. "Okay hang up me and Liam will be there soon." 

I did as told and picked up my phone and stuffed it in my back pocket. I stood up and started to run. I turned around and didnt see anyone and started to scream. I looked to my left and saw headlights. "JOE? JOE!" I heard the voice and recognized it as Liams. 

I started to sob since i was scared and felt someone pick me up. "Joe its me babe. Its me Li remember? Remember?" I nodded and he carried me to a black pickup truck which i recognized as Zayns.

We drove to the new house and i ran into the house, not knowing what the hell happened at the beach. 

I saw Liam and Zayn run in and lock the door behind them. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!?" i screamed. They both sighed and i forgot about the guns i had at the old house. I sighed and ran around screaming my head off and attempting to rip out my hair.

I felt someone grab me and i stopped everything i was doing. I stopped breathing for a while also. "That was your dad. He is psychopathic and he's out to kill you. " I widened my eyes and started to scream again.

"Take me. To the old. House. And let me. Run in and. Get my guns. Please." I said in between my gasps for breath. Liam agreed to take me and Zayn agreed to take me inside the house.

We got in the car and i sat in the back, watching the stars fly by. "The sun goes down. The stars come out. And all that counts. Is here and now. My universe. Will never be the same. Im glad you came." I sang.

Within minutes we arrived at the house and i ran into the house along with Zayn to grab my vest and guns. I found all the guns, but not my vest. I looked around frantically, and found it laying on my bed. Right were i looked last time. 

"What the?" I grabbed it and ran before i could see father. I grabbed Zayns arm and ran to the truck. Liam started driving when the last open door was closed, and started to speed. I turned around and saw my father in the back of the truck. You know, the tail where you're able to put things there. Yeah.

"BRAKES!" is all i screamed. Brakes were slammed. Faces were smushed into the back of the truck. "GAS!" Gas pedal was stepped on. Bodies fell onto the road since they were dumb enough to stand. 

We arrived at the new house shortly, but Zayn AND Liam said "uhoh" at the same time. "W-W-What's uh oh?!" I asked, scared out of my wits. I saw Niall and Harrys truck in the driveway. I slammed the door closed and stomped my way over to the door.

I walked in and saw Harry and Niall doing something which i really wish i hadnt seen. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TWO KISSING!?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Narry Storan moment. They both pulled away and i just shook my head and ran to some random room.

Bad choice much. Dad was standing right there. "One fucking bullet bitch. Thats all i need." I said, pulling my gun and aiming. 

"Oh darling. You dont know how long i've waited for this. This-This moment, as i call it. The moment i get to pull the trigger. Pull the trigger. Watch the blood drain from your sick emo little body. " 

I felt tears prick my eyes, but i didnt dare let them come out. "Shoot me. Take a shot. Not like you're gonna hit me ey?" He raised his arms from his side and motioned for me to come at him.

"No. I'll take a shot when i want to. You raped me! You beat me, made me do drugs! You took my first time when i was only eight fucking years old !" I yelled. THe door was locked so no one could see us. 

He dropped his gun and charged for me, knocking me into the wall. He cupped my head with his large hands and slammed my head against the wall. I grabbed my gun, and tried my best to aim for him with my cross eyed vision. 

 I pulled the trigger and saw him fall to the ground, clutching his arm. I crawled with my elbows over to the door and unlocked it, before my vision became clear. I pounced on my father and poked him in the eyes. 

Then he did something.

I never.




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