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They all sat in the studio recording their second song. Adrien sighed as he strummed the guitar along with Nathanael and Nino on bass. Al.ya added a steady mix of keys and Kim added a steady beat to it. The song was slow and a love song, something they would only ever do if the song was upbeat. Adrien started singing as Kim slowed his beat more.

"Tear drops in your hazel eyes. I can't believe I made you cry. It feels so long since we went wrong. But your still on my mind." He continued the song until it was over and they all stopped and looked at Nathalie while she was examining them.

She pursed her lips and leaned into the mic. "Again. Not enough emotion." They all groaned as she leaned back in her chair. They played it again, Adrien with more emotion then the last time. When they finished again they looked at Nathalie again. "Perfect. That's a wrap." They cheered and left the studio and walked down to the car which was surrounded by fans.

Their body guards got them to the car and pushed off the fans while they got in and sat down. They car drove off and Adrien sighed deeply and looked out the window at the bright blue sky. "What's wrong dude?" NinoI asked.

"Just a little home sick I guess."

"But we are home." Alya chuckled.

"Are we really?" He looked at them. "We're going to be here for three weeks and so far we have only seen our parents for three minutes and got a glimpse of our old school," They all went silent. "If we were really home we would have already gone to the Eiffel Tower three times today and the Louvre once. And let me remind you that the carnival is this weekend."

"The carnival!" Alya smiled. Every year the school would hold a carnival for three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and every eon is welcome to come. The money they get from it is always impressive and most schools try to top it but can't. "We have to go!"

"Why? It's not like you can't play the games we have at the mansion." Nathalie said without looking up form her tablet.

"Well they have a battle of the bands portion and we've won every year," Kim said. "We won last year and we're gonna win this year. Any band can enter." He crossed his arms and Nathalie glared at him.

"How will you go with no time on your hands?"

"We'll make time." Alya smiled at her and she glared harder.

"I said you can't go. We have a busy schedule and if you even try to intervene it then it will throw everything out of balance and-"

"The battle of the bands portion needs judges and every year they choose the least qualified people to do it." Nathanael said without looking at her and just gazing out the window.

"We could judged and play as a special act! Lets do it dudes!" Nino pumped his fist in the air and Nathanael laughed and looked at his friends.

"Yeah!" Kim and Alya yelled and high fived and the three looked at Adrien and Nathanael.

"Come on dudes. We know you wanna." Nino taunted.

"It wouldn't hurt." Adrien chuckled and Nino cheered and put him in a headlock and messed up his hair.

"It would be fun." Nathanael smiled and the rest of the band cheered and Nathalie blew up.

"I said you cannot go. We have no time and it will ruin your image. You will not go to such a bombarded event." Her voice was stern and cold and it sent shivers down their spines.

"It's not that bad of an event. It's always held in a park and-"

Nathalie cut Alya off. "I said you can't go and that's final."

"But they need judges." Nathanael gave her pleading eyes and she glared at them harder.

"I said you can't go you ignorant children." She spat out and Adrien glared back.

"Oh he's gonna do it." Kim whispered with a laughed and the others nodded.

"This is your schedule for the rest of the day so listen for I am not repeating it."

"No you listen," She glared at him. "This event means everything to us. It is what brought us together and we've always played in it since the carnival started four years ago when we joined together and made a band. We won't do what you say if it breaks our tradition and if they need judges then we'll do that and you can't stop us from doing anything else. If you won't let us get back to our roots then I guess we'll just fall apart like we already are."

"I said-"

"I don't give a single shit and what the fuck you said. We need to get back to our roots or else we're going to go to the next city and fall apart with Nathanael hitting Kim over the head with his guitar," They rest laughed at the time he actually did it to make Kim shut up while they were filming a video. "Now, I don't care about the fuck our schedule says because if we can't do our tradition then you don't have a band anymore. Got it." He glared harder at her and she glared back.

"I have given you enough freedom as it is. I will not let you go out and ruin your image."

"Ruin our image? This would boost our image! A band performing for free in their home town, giving small lessons to music loving people, seeing their old friends. This would make us bigger not ruin us like you're doing now. You have to learn to listen or else you'll crumble underneath everyone while they're still standing." He glared at her harder and she eventually gave up.

"What days are these on and who's in charge?" The band cheered that they finally won an argument with her.

"We can handle that, always have, always did. We have to get back to our roots anyway and you need a break." Alya smiled.

I Can't Forget About You {M5 1} (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now