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Marinette walked into the school wearing something new. Sabine bought it for her on her birthday so she wore it since it was the only thing that was clean. It was a green strapless crop top with a black strapless tank top underneath to cover her stomach with black shorts and neon green tennis shoes. Sabine straightened her hair so she would look better and walked her into the school. She still had cried blood in her hair.

"Marinette, are you sure you still meant to go to school?" Sabine asked and Marinette nodded. "Okay dear," they walked into the principal office and Mr.Damocles gave her a pass to go to her next class. "Marinette, before you go, if you get hurt again just come home. I'll call the school."

"Okay Maman. I love you." She kissed her mom goodbye and walked into an empty music room instead of going to her class. There was no time written on the sheet so she wouldn't get caught for ditching. She just wanted to miss Homeroom. That was it. Then she would show up to her next class and everything would go well. She setup a music stand and pulled out her guitar that she hid in the room. No one went in this music room since it held all of the precession.

Adrien sighed as he walked down the hall. He heard the music and walked to the music room door. He knew that song. "Little do you know, I've been breaking while you fall asleep," he wanted to know who was singing but didn't dare to open the door. "Little do you know I'm still haunted by the memories. Little do you know I'm trying to pick myself together, piece by piece. Little do you know I, need a little more time," She stopped and the guitar played. "Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside, I've been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind. I'm willing the forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight. little do you know I, need a little more time."

He couldn't take it anymore and opened the door. "I'll wait, I'll wait I'll love you like I've never felt the pain I'll wait," she played, hearing him sing was like music to her ears. She adored it but her back was face to the door. "I'll promise you you don't have to be afraid, I'll wait. My love is here and here to stay so lay your head on me. Little do you know I know you're hurting while I'm sound asleep. Little do you know all my mistakes are slowly drowning me. Little do you know I'm trying to make it better, piece by piece. Little do you know I, love you till the sun dies."

Marinette turned around to see who sang. She had never heard a more beautiful voice in the world. Adrien wanted to know who had such an angelic voice. Marinette stood up and turned around, Adrien smiling softly. Sh jumped back, tripping on her stand leg and started falling back. Adrien caught her as the rest of the band, plus the next class ran into the room to see what happened with all of the simbles (Idfk know how to spell it. Band kids will get it) being hit and playing.

"Adrien!" Alya laughed with the rest of the band, blush growing on his face while Marinette rested on his arm, squeezing his arms for support. "Adrien, what in gods name did you do?" She wiped away a tear.

He couldn't speak. He lost his voice as he looked down at Marinette. His heart beat fast as he got lost in her eyes. He sheepishly smiled at her while she just blushed. "Adrien, dude, I think you've lost it." Nino laughed.

"Lost it? He's in love~" Alya teased and Adrien broke his trance, accidentally dropping Marinette and her crashing to the group. She hit the ground with a thud, her head smacking against the stand of the bass drum.

"Marinette!" Lila yelled as she ran into the room.

I Can't Forget About You {M5 1} (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now