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Adrien stayed in his room. He didn't want to party. The rest brought him drinks from time to time. Them pilling up on his desk. He drank a few but not enough to get him drunk. He looked at his phone for the hundredth time in the hour and sighed. It was only nine and the house was packed with people. He sighed and lied down on his bed, dropping his phone to the side of his head and his empty cup to the floor.

Marinette smiled at Lila as they walked around the house. She wanted, needed to find Chat. They stopped at the drinks and got some. Marinettes face turning sour after the first sip. "What is this?"

"Fireball," Lila shrugged and drank the rest of hers, then downed Marinettes since she didn't drink it. "Come on! Let's go find Adrien!"

"How about you find Kim and Nathanael first." Marinette smiled and Lila groaned but smiled.

"Fine. You go do karaoke or something. Keep in touch with me." Lila ran off and Marinette relaxed and walked upstairs. She remember the room they always went too. Boring grey bedsheets that were there when they got to Paris and no posters or anything to personalize the room. She walked down the hall to his room as he left it. He needed some air and to walk around Paris.

They saw each other form across the hall. His emerald eyes mixing with her ecstatic blue ones. He smiled and ran to her, lifting her up in his arms and she giggled as they spun around. No one was allowed upstairs besides the band members and private guests such as their friends. Since it was early, no one was there.

"You came! You came!" Adrien smiled and put her down. Marinette giggled as he pressed her lips to hers. She missed them. They were so soft and warm against hers. "I missed you."

"Clearly," Marinette giggled. "I missed you too." They walked down the hall, hand in hand to his room.

"Why didn't you come for the last three parties?" Adrien closed the door as she sat on his desk chair and looked around his room. Nothing new but the bottles upon cups of liquor on his desk.

"I got grounded form the hickey you gave me you dumb cat," Marinette giggled and Adrien purred at the sound of her voice. "Why do you have so much to drink?" Marinette pointed to the cups.

"My friends wanted me to stay hydrated." Adrien nervously laughed.

"Why is it all alcohol?"

"Beats me. I think it's all they have downstairs." Adrien sat on his bed and Marinette moved to be next to him.

"Who's room is this?" Adrien took a cup and drank a little, chocking a small amount at the question. He looked at her, then remembered that she doesn't know who he is.

"A-Adriens I think," He nervously laughed. "How about you? Do you have a room here?" He knew the answer already.

"No. I live in a bakery. My parents, Sabine and Tom own it." She smiled and Adrien chocked again. He heard Sabine talking about her daughter, could this be her?

"T-t-t-t-that's cool." Adrien smiled at her, his eyes darting to her lips. He wanted to kiss them again. He put the cup down and leaned over to her, kissing her slowly as they leaned back.

Marinette arched her back, Adrien sliding arm underneath and holding her up to him. Chest to chest, both hearts beating fast as the kiss heated. They're heats colliding as he slid his hand under her shirt, keeping his hand on the middle of her back. Marinette pulled her hands through his hair. Their tongues dancing together as everything heated up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he moved them to the middle of the bed instead of being at the end of it.

He broke the kiss at remembering Sabine and Tom. He could be making out with their daughter. They got him and the band out of trouble a lot of times. "Kitty, what's wrong?"

He looked down at her, forgetting everything. "Nothing M'Lady, you're just such a blessing to me." He smiled making her blush. He kissed her neck and she bit her lip.

I Can't Forget About You {M5 1} (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now