Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my sequel to A Very Merry Johnlock Christmas. If you haven't read it, it's not really crucial to this story, but you miss out on all the cute stuff with them getting together which is something most people love.

So in the last chapter of the last story, I said that this would be up sometime after New Year's, but I really wanted to write more and decided that I'm going to have the first chapter up earlier than that.

I'm glad everyone survived the holidays. Everything involving family visiting is always crazy at my house.

I really hope you guys enjoy this first chapter!

John's P.O.V.

It's been almost a month since Sherlock and I first got together. Things have been almost the same other than the occasional romantic moment between the two of us. We still haven't told anyone except Mrs. Hudson, Molly, and Greg. We ought to tell Stamford at some point since he was the one who first introduced us.

Neither of us have even thought about telling our families. Mycroft probably already knows, though. He probably found out the first night we confessed out feelings for each other. I know my parents won't take it too well based on how they reacted to Harry coming out. Sherlock hasn't said anything about his mother. I'm guessing I'll meet her at some point.

Life has been normal in 221b. Sherlock still works on cases, but now he does all his experimenting upstairs and not on the kitchen table. Speaking of kitchens, I should really learn how to cook now that there's space in there. When did I become this domestic? Never mind that. Sherlock is still the same, brilliant, infuriating Sherlock.

I've noticed a change in myself lately, though. I've gotten happier with everything. I'm even liking my job at the surgery more now (even with all the clueless parents bringing in their children for god knows what). The last time I've been this excited about anything was when I first met Sherlock.

Overall, things have been pretty normal (normal with Sherlock, that is, which is always far from it). Normal is nice, for now. I'm going to cherish every moment of calm because it's quite rare with Sherlock. This is the first time things have been truly calm since we first met.

Sherlock's P.O.V.

I still have no idea how to handle this whole relationship thing. Do I just keep acting the way I did before? Do I try to act like I'm in a relationship? I mean, John and I kiss and sleep in the same bed and cuddle occasionally, but should I do more than that? I'm drawing the line at pet names though. It's just silly.

John seems happier. He's less frustrated with work; he comes home with more energy and a smile most days. He's... livelier. I've never seen him like this before. There was always something about John that seemed foreboding. When we first met, John clearly suffered from PTSD and chronic depression. It was obvious that he had suicidal thoughts and he most likely would have acted on them if we hadn't met. This is the first time in over a year when all of that is completely gone. 

Cases are more fun now, too. John has gotten quite proficient at pointing out details on corpses that would go unnoticed by most. I have no idea why Lestrade is still paying Anderson when John works just as many cases and is far more helpful. Anderson won't work with me (and I am usually the Yard's best bet when it comes to solving important cases) and he's an idiot. What purpose does he serve, really? John is much more competent and should just be hired on the spot. 

The relationship with John does worry me, though. I'm afraid that things will end -and end badly- and our  friendship will be ruined. If that does happen, I'm certain we'll both be devastated. Are these things normal people feel in relationships? The uncontrollable joy when you're with them and the crippling fear of losing them all at the same time? I have no idea what John is expecting out of this relationship. Trying to figure out love is hard enough. What will happen if we try to add sex or eventually marriage and a family? I'm excited by the idea of it and completely terrified all at once. 

This chapter was just a little look into John and Sherlock's heads and how they've been dealing with adjusting to being in a new relationship. I know this was kind of short for the first chapter. The rest of the chapters that follow will be longer (and will actually have some dialogue, sorry about that). I'm planning on having the next chapter up sometime in the next few days (probably Wednesday or Thursday, but no promises because I'm a bit busy). 

I really hope all of you liked this first chapter. I'm really attached to these characters and I have a lot of fun writing this story! I always want to know what you guys think so vote and comment. I love all of you who are reading this. 


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