Chapter 10

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A/N: Ok this chapter is actually going to be posted at a reasonable time. So will Wednesday and Friday's chapters (hopefully). I've gotten over 300 reads on this story so far! I love your faces!

So far, this story is almost 12k words. To put that into perspective, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is about 77k. I have written the equivalent of 15% of a Harry Potter book or almost 10% of Pride and Prejudice! Just thought that was cool. This fic will probably end up being somewhere around 50k words. 

I'm currently supposed to be doing a bunch of other stuff (emailing a lot of people about important stuff, writing an honors science application, math homework, the usual) but instead I'm writing fanfic. I love you so much that I'm going to put off the stuff I have to do so I can get you guys a chapter on time for once!

Things are going to happen in this chapter *Dun Dun Duuuuun*.

John's P.O.V.

-a month and a half later-

Everything is back to normal. Sherlock's fully healed and we're working on cases again. I'm back to working at the surgery since Sherlock can take care of himself at home (sort of). Sherlock has been doing a month and a half's worth of experiments since he couldn't when he had the cast on. The other day, he even partially singed off one of his eyebrows (he's tried drawing it in and covering it with his hair, but nothing is really working).

I'm sitting in my office at Bart's when I get a text from Sherlock.

Bored. Come home. -SH

I can't. I'm working. -JW

Work is boring. -SH

It is, but we need the money. Someone has to take care of you, you big baby. -JW

Sherlock didn't reply to that last text. Maybe he's pouting because I called him a baby. I get back to filling out paperwork (the horribly tedious kind) when my phone goes off again.

Still bored. -SH

What were you doing for the past hour? -JW

Reading one of my many books on the character traits shown through handwriting. I finished it and now I'm bored again. -SH

Read something else then? -JW

Books are boring, even when they are on somewhat intriguing subject matter. -SH

Experiment on something then? -JW

That would require going upstairs. Besides, I'm out of recently deceased organs. The ones I have are all mushy and rotten. -SH

You really ought to throw those out. At least they're not in the food fridge. Or the microwave. Or the cupboard. Or anywhere around food. -JW

Fine. Since they're of no use to me and the situation will only continue to get worse, I'll get rid of them. -SH

Sherlock again didn't reply. After an hour and a half, I assumed he went to throw away the organs and then tried to find something else to entertain himself. I get back to work and remain uninterrupted for the rest of the day.

Sherlock's P.O.V.

John probably think's I'm actually going to throw those organs out. Not likely. I'd never get that bored. If all else fails, I'll just resort to shooting holes in the wall. It's been looking a bit too... normal lately. I end up wandering around the flat for a while and then give up and decide to play my violin when I find nothing else to do. After taking it out of the case and getting my music stand and a pencil, my phone goes off. 

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