Chapter 12

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A/N: Almost 700 reads! I love your faces!

UGH WRITER'S BLOCK. I'm really sorry this chapter is up late. I had a lot to do last night and I didn't have time to finish it. Don't hate me. 

I really hope you guys like this chapter! *WARNING* Will contain smut so if you don't want that, you can just skip this chapter (nothing really happens and I really don't want to scare off readers or bore readers so I'm trying to find a balance).

Sherlock's P.O.V.

I woke up on the couch, bent awkwardly and very uncomfortable. John got up a while ago since where he was laying is cold. I finally roll over go see that he was sitting in his chair with his laptop. There was a still-warm cup of tea sitting on the floor next to me.

"I thought I'd let you sleep since you didn't last night."

"So you picked up on that? I tried to hide it, but not very effectively I guess. Your deductions are getting better, John."

"Of course I picked up on it. You never get up early. It wasn't really hard to figure out."

"I just didn't want you to be worried..."

"I know. But I'm here to help you. If you're worried, it's my job to help you. What do you need?"

"I need you."

I get up of the couch as gracefully as I can (it's not easy since I'm stiff from sleeping in such an awkward position) and walk over to John. I take the computer from him and put it on the floor. I climb on top of John and pull his face into mine. I kiss him hungrily and try to get as close to him as I can. I feel confidant and all I can think about it John.

I don't know what came over me. This has never happened to me before. I'm usually so collected, but I've been completely consumed by lust. I bite John's lip and a soft moan escapes. The sound of John's pleasure drives me absolutely crazy. I feel the bulge in my pants start to grow as I grind into him. John wraps his hands around my waist and they soon slide down onto my arse. This time I'm the one who moans. Our lips separate and we're both gasping for air.

"Are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure."

John grabs me and pulls me closer to him. I love it when John's dominant like that. I still have no idea what I'm doing, but I don't care. John is mine and I don't care about anything else. I take control this time and gently bite down his neck. I bite harder near his collar bone and leave a mark.


John thrusts underneath me. He pulls off my shirt desperately and runs his hands over my chest. I moan and lean back, letting John reach every inch of my bare skin.

"How far do you want to go?" John mumbles between kisses.

"Until I say stop."

I pull John's jumper off over his head and start unbuttoning his shirt. The jagged, pink scar on his shoulder stands out against his otherwise flawless skin.

"Bedroom. Now." I growl.

John doesn't respond, but instead just grabs my arse and picks me up. He gently tosses me onto the bed and then climbs on top of me. John trails kisses down my chest, starting at my neck and ending at the waistband of my pajamas. I squirm under him as he playfully tugs at them with his teeth. He pauses and gives me a questioning look.

"Keep going. I'm sure." I pant.

John eagerly starts to pull off my trousers and my now unclothed erection springs up. I moan as he kisses and nibbles at the inside of my thighs and he starts to get closer to my throbbing member. I squirm with every teasing kiss. John grins up at me mischievously. After more teasing, he finally gets to the real thing. 

"Gahh John!"

John just hums in reply. There's a soft suction as his lips lavishly slide up and down my engorged cock. I run my fingers through his hair and pull because it was the closest thing to grab on to. When I grabbed his hair, John took that as a sign to speed up. I lurched forward, trying hard not to thrust into John without warning. At this rate I'm not going to last long. 

"John I'm going to-"

My words were cut short when I felt pleasure consume my entire body. The pulsing that started in my cock shook through my entire body. When I stop shaking, John releases me with a delicious pop. I come completely undone at the sight of him with a small trail of white liquid dribbling down his chin. I collapse onto the bed, arms sprawled out and completely unable to move. John crawls up and lays next to me.

"I think I'll just... need a minute."

John runs his hands through my hair and gently kisses me on the cheek. He curls up next to me and sets his head on my chest. Everything is hazy for a while and we just lay like that. When I finally have some energy back, I slowly start moving my hand down to John's crotch. A slight gasp escapes his lips and I start to rub harder.

"You don't have to- agh. I wasn't expecting anything in return, Sherlock." John gets out between gasps.

"I want to."

I rub faster and start to take of John's trousers and pants. He moans as he springs free from the now too tight clothing. I try to mimic John's actions from before, but the teasing is much more clumsy. I gently run my hand up and down the inside of his thighs, causing him to squirm. I plant a single kiss to the head of his member before grinning up at him.

"Fuck, Sherlock! You really don't have to-" He gasps as I lick the length of him, "I'm not going to last long. Oh fuck."

I playfully start licking him up and down. He squirms with every teasing motion. When I'm finally starting to figure this out, I decide to move on to taking him in my mouth. John starts making obscene, unintelligible noises as I move up and down. As I increase speed, his moaning becomes louder and I can tell he's close to his release. I bob up and down faster, trying to push him over the edge. 

"Fuck Sheerrrrloooockkk!"

John shouts my name as his entire body pulses. I wait until John stops moving and then swallow the bitter, white liquid. John grins at me stupidly and motions for me to come lay with him.

"You're really beautiful,  you know that? You have no idea how much time I'm going to spend fantasizing about those lips."

"Trust me, I feel the same, John." We both start giggling and we curl up next to each other. 

"I really don't think I'll be able to move from this spot for the rest of the day."

"What else would we do if we're going to stay in bed all day?" I tease.

John's P.O.V.

He's just taking advantage of this now. He knows how much his deep, sultry voice drives me insane. How did I end up with such a brilliant, beautiful, clueless arse? It almost seems like he knows what I'm thinking because he smiles proudly. Oh, Sherlock. What am I going to do with you?

I pull his face close to mine and kiss him softly. I smile at him, our foreheads pressed together and my arms wrapped  around his neck. I wasn't expecting any of this to happen, but I couldn't be happier.

"I love you."

"I love you too, John."

Yay happy feels at the end. Things are going to get worse so here's this chapter to make you feel better.

Ugh being a girl writing gay smut is so embarrassing. I have no idea what I'm doing (I'm seriously just taking things I know from reading fanfic written by other girls). I really hope my smut doesn't suck. It's really difficult to write. Sorry this chapter is like nothing but smut. It won't happen very often. Yes, this story will still have a plot most of the time. 

I apologize again for the lateness of this chapter. A bunch of stuff happened last night and took away from the time I had originally planned to write this. Don't hate me this isn't going to happen often. 

I really hope you guys liked this chapter anyway. I always want to know what you guys think!


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