Epilogue - Part 1

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A/N: Here's the first part of the epilogue as promised. These will probably be pretty short and there will be some time skips. 

I feel pretty satisfied with the way I ended the last chapter, but I feel like I should just write a little about their lives after that because it's happy and cute. I really hope you guys like the last little bit because I've had fun writing it. 

-a month later-

John's P.O.V.

Sherlock and I are still living in the house outside the city. Mycroft is still trying to destroy Moriarty's web in London so we can stop hiding here. All of our stuff from 221B has been moved here, so there's at least some sense of normalcy.

Things have been peaceful compared to all the chaos a month ago. And of course, peaceful for me is absolute hell for Sherlock. Lestrade comes by with boxes of case files every other day just to keep him busy. So far, he's solved 26 murders, 17 missing person cases, and 4 triple homicides. He's going to explode if he's stuck here much longer. 

I, on the other hand, have been adjusting well. I've had plenty of time to get caught up with updating my blog. It's a nice contrast to the craziness of our normal lives. 

Sherlock's P.O.V.

I need more cases. The ones Lestrade keeps bringing are dull and obvious. They aren't worth my time, but I have nothing better to do. I want to go back to solving actual cases, chasing criminals, fun things, anything! Molly occasionally has body parts send over in coolers for me. I made Mycroft get me a vast array of lab equipment to keep me from shooting holes in the walls of such a nice house. 

Mycroft needs to work faster. He has spies everywhere, you'd think he could easily take out a not-so-secret organization of criminals. They don't even have their clever leader telling them how to not get caught anymore! It would go by so much faster if I had done it myself, but apparently that was "too risky" since I was the center of the plot that got Moriarty killed.

He's dead now. Very dead, we checked. There was no way he faked it or somehow survived. Mycroft put extra effort into making sure he was gone for good. He's gone, his main sniper is gone, and Mycroft has managed to find the next few higher-ups in the chain of command.

Speaking of Mycroft, he's been showing up more. Maybe it's to make up for almost letting me be killed. He and Greg (it is Greg, isn't it?) have even been over here for dinner a couple of nights. John seems almost happy to see him (he's grateful for Mycroft saving my life or something). I still don't understand why everyone is overreacting so much. I'm not dead, John is fine, Moriarty is dead, everything worked out. 

I walk into the room John and I are sharing and take his laptop from him.

"I was using that."

"I'm bored. Entertain me."

"Demanding, aren't we?"

"Entertain me, please. I'm going to go crazy if we're stuck here much longer. What's that term, cabin fever?"

"What did you have in mind?"

My mind races as I think about all the different things I could do right now. We're alone and John is mine. No more stress, no more danger; just the two of us and a too-soft bed. Times like this makes me really, really glad I'm not dead.

And the rest is just going to be left to your imagination. I'd debated writing an explicit smut scene, but I decided against it. I just wanted to have a little bit about their lives immediately after and it also kind of tells you what happened to everyone else. The next part of the epilogue will probably be a larger time skip of a couple years. 

I'm planning on having the next chapter up Monday (maybe Sunday if I have time this weekend). It will be a little longer and it will wrap up the entire story/series. It will probably be longer than this chapter just because this one ended up being really short.

I really hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm still pleasantly surprised by the ammount of reads I've gotten and I love you for it. I will see you next chapter. 


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