Chapter 13

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A/N: Woo! Almost 800 reads on this story and almost 1k on the story that happened before this! I never expected to get this many reads! I love yo faces!

I had originally planned for this story to be much longer, but it will probably be about half of what I had originally planned just based off where I'm planning on going with the plot. I don't know yet. It may still end up being close to the length I had originally planned. Bear with me, loves.

This is just going to be a normal chapter. This won't be another chapter of nothing but smut. I just wanted to put that last chapter in because these next ones will be bad. I'm sorry guys.

John's P.O.V.

I'm worried about Sherlock. He hasn't been acting worried, but that's worse because it means he's really worried and it trying to hide it from me. I know he thinks it's for the best, but it really does take its toll on him when he keeps it to himself. He's brilliant, but he's an idiot sometimes.

We're out of milk, so I decide to go to the store. I look through the rest of the fridge to see what else we need. I kiss Sherlock on the forehead before grabbing my coat and leaving the flat. I go over the list of things in my head while walking down the street to the shops.

I find all the groceries I need and add try to balance them in my arms. I buy them and leave the shop with two brown paper bags in my arms. My mobile rings in my pocket and I struggle to get it.


"Ah, John. You'll see a black car pull up next to you in a moment."

"Damn it, Mycroft. How many times are you going to do this? Why can't you just call saying you need me to come meet with you?"

"Just get in the car Mr. Watson."

Sherlock's P.O.V.

John left to go to the shops and there's no telling when he'll be back. I decide to spend the time playing my violin. Between notes, I hear quiet creaking up the stairs. Whenever I pause, the creaking stops. I start playing again and the footsteps continue.

"I was expecting you eventually. What took so long?"

"I had governments to hold hostage. You know, the usual."

Moriarty chewed his gum exaggeratedly. His usual, unnerving smirk was spread wide across his face. 

"Why are you here?"

"I owe you, Sherlock."

"I don't follow."

"That's because you're ordinary. You're on the side of the angels."

"Why come here to tell me?"

"I owe you a fall, Sherlock. I owe you."

Moriarty stood up and left just as quickly as he arrived. I get up and move to the sofa, lying down in my typical thinking position. I get lost in my mind palace and the phrase "I O U" keeps flashing up. Each time I shoo it away and try to figure out what it means.

John's P.O.V.

The car pulls up in front of a large estate; probably Mycroft's house. I'm greeted by a couple of quards and they show me into a very formal sitting room. I take a seat and Mycroft walks in a few minutes later.

"You really could have just invited me here, Mycroft."

"I knew I could get you here faster if I sent a car."

"What's this about, then?"

"Sometime in the near future there will be a situation that will require your full cooperation. I am unable to explain at this time. I just need you to agree to follow all the directions given to you when it happens. Understood?"

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