Chapter 3

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A/N: The first episode of series three of Sherlock was amazing. *Sorry if I accidentally post some spoilers to anyone who hasn't seen it. I'll try to avoid doing that.* It was great though I swear they tried to make it really comedic because so many scenes were just ridiculous. When I first saw the trailer, I thought I wouldn't be emotionally prepared for it, but my feels are intact and happy. John and Mary are so cute I was expecting not to like her because she gets between my ship, but I love her I'm totally happy that it's canon and I'm satisfied with Johnlock just being on the internet because THEY"RE SO FRIGGIN CUTE ASAGFADFLDFSDFG. Sorry. I'm really rambling on in this author's note. Do you guys like this or would you rather I just get on with the story? I just wanted to share this because I'm really excited and the only one in my house who will listen to me is my dog.

That's what I've been up to. I've got a date to go see the Hobbit... again. It's the third time and I will never get tired of Benny's sexy dragon voice. I forgot how much I love him as Sherlock... oh wait, no I didn't because I obsess over it way too much. 

Alright. Onto the story. (Just another little note, this is pre- Reichenbach Feels). Okay so I'm just going to put this out there now, this chapter will contain some mild smut (like a steamy make-out session, not explicit porny stuff. Sorry if that bothers anyone. If it does, you can just skip to the end of this chapter; you won't really miss much in the beginning). I hope everyone is still enjoying this story.

Sherlock's P.O.V.

-a few days later-

It's nice, things not being tense between us. Since our little chat, I've felt much more comfortable around John and with this whole relationship. I'm finally starting to adjust to it. I'm sitting in my chair and John is updating his blog across from me. 

"John, could you text Lestrade and ask if there are any cases? I'm bored."

"And I'm busy. Why do I always have to text people for you?"

"My mobile is in my coat pocket across the room. Of course I'm not going to get it, so that leaves you."

"Yes. Of course. The great Sherlock Holmes can't be bothered to walk 10 feet to get his phone so I have to text people for him."

"I love you."

"Stop trying to be overly-romantic. It doesn't suit you, Sherlock. I know you're being sweet just to get me to go get it for you."

"Is it working?"

"Fine. You're lucky I bloody love you because if I didn't you would be without your mobile and caseless."

"You always say that. And you always get things for me. I should just always bring up this 'love' thing."

"Nope. You are not going to start abusing it. I'll stop believing you and think you're just using me."

"You know it's true, John. I can't just... make things like that up. I don't understand love so I could hardly imitate it."

"I love you too, Sherlock." John get's up to go get the phone. He checks the pocket and finds that it isn't there.

"It's not here. Are you sure this is where you left it?"

"Hmmm wait, no. Check the bedroom."

While John walked into the other room, I went over to John's laptop, shut it, and put it on the floor. I went to sit in his chair right before he walked back into the room. 

"What are you doing in my chair? I was busy-"

"Updating the blog, yes I know. I thought that was too dull so I came over here to distract you from that."

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