Epilogue - Part 2

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A/N: This is the very last chapter of not only this story, but also of the entire series with "A Very Merry Johnlock Christmas" before this. I'm excited about being able to accomplish this, but also sad because it's coming to an end. I hate endings. They can be happy or sad, but either way they leave me feeling depressed.

I really hope you guys like this chapter. I've spent a lot of time and effort on this story and I love everyone who has taken the time to read it. I'm sorry, but I'm going to get all sentimental on you guys. Thank you so much to everyone throughout all of this. 

3rd Person

John and Sherlock had been living in the house outside the city for three months before being able to go back to their normal lives. Mycroft was certain that all of Moriarty's web in London had been destroyed. John started working at the surgery again and Sherlock was back to solving murders for Scotland Yard. Life in 221B was back to normal, only this time it was a lot more peaceful.

They didn't have to worry about Moriarty anymore. Of all the serial killers and psychopaths Sherlock had every faced, he was the only one that actually posed a real threat. Without him, there isn't anyone to constantly worry about and that made life easier for both of them. 

-two years later-

Eventually, John and Sherlock were told that Moriarty's web had been completely destroyed. Every terrorist cell, every shady government leaders, every spy and crook; all dealt with. Mycroft had been very thorough in his search. It was like a huge weight was lifted from their shoulders. 

Sherlock's P.O.V.

John and I have been great in the past two years. There have been rough spots, but we've worked through them. Listen to me, I sound like a normal person. What have I become?

From time to time, the word "marriage" has been thrown into conversation. Neither of us took it seriously each time the other said it. It always seemed like something that would be impossible for the two of us. Now that we're not in constant danger, that's changed. I think I'm finally going to ask soon. Properly. No wedding bands with severed fingers still wearing them.

-a month later-

It's perfect. I have everything planned in a way that's not overly cliche, but it's romantic enough. I told him that I made us dinner reservations at Angelo's -the place we had dinner the first night we met- just because we haven't gone in a while and it was about time we had a nice evening together. He doesn't suspect anything.

John's P.O.V.

Sherlock made dinner reservations for us tonight. I'm amazed, really. He's turned into a considerate, loving human being. 

It's a short cab ride to Angelo's and as soon as we get there, we're shown to our usual table. Angelo winks at me as he hands us the menus. Sherlock doesn't order anything bit, but orders a bottle of champagne.

"You really don't need to do that, Sherlock."

"It's my treat. It's been a while since we've had a night like this and I want it to be special."

"Alright. I won't protest to champagne and dinner with the man of my dreams."


Sherlock's genuine smile flashed over his face before he blushed a bit. He seems nervous and slightly embarrassed, but very excited. His knee is shaking under the table, occasionally hitting it and spilling the too-full water glasses. He's cute when he's like this.

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