Chapter 8

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A/N: This chapter is actually being uploaded at a reasonable-ish time.

It's snowing right now and I really hope school gets cancelled again (going for two days seems pointless). If it does, I promise I'll upload another chapter tomorrow.

By the way, the end of this chapter will be smutty, so if you aren't interested in that, just skip the last part. (I don't want to scare anyone off by turning this into gratuitous smut with no plot so it won't be that much).

John's P.O.V.

It's almost Valentine's Day. And by almost I mean it's in four days. I really want to do something for Sherlock (not that I'm expecting anything in return). Dinner maybe? Candles? Flowers and chocolate? No. Too sentimental, he wouldn't like it. I'm at a loss. I still have a little bit of time to figure it out.

Should I bring it up with Sherlock? Or should everything be a surprise? A surprise might be pointless knowing Sherlock, though. He'd figure it out instantly if I tried to hide it from him.

I walk back into the bedroom where Sherlock is sleeping. He's gotten a lot better; walks around on his own, his chest just aches, you can hardly see any of the bruises on his face. He still has the cast on his arm, though. Doctors say he'll need it for a little over a month still. He's been getting used to functioning with it.

"'Morning sleepy. I brought you tea and biscuits along with more pain killers."

"Mmph thanks," Sherlock mumbled.

"So, Sherlock. Lestrade texted me saying that he's looking for a case you can work on from home. Things will be a little closer to normal, you won't be as bored. Maybe you'd even be up for, I don't know... leaving the house?"

"A case would be good. If I didn't have this cast on, the wall in the sitting room would have more holes in it. And I've been waiting to leave the house for a week now. Of course I'm up for it."

"Good. Right. Yes, well I will get back to Greg about cases, tell him you're up for it."

"You paused when you asked if I was up for leaving the house. Why? Planning something?"

"Um no. I was just hoping you'd be feeling alright enough to get out of the flat. You've been going crazy indoors. It would be good if we went and did something."

"Yes it would. But I know you're lying. I can tell when you're lying John, you should've known I'd be able to pick up on it. You are planning something so you might as well just tell me."

"I want to take you to dinner... On Valentine's Day. As a date; a proper one."

"Valentine's Day. Isn't that a bit... nauseatingly romantic?"

"Yes it is, but things have been rough lately and I want to use it as an excuse to treat you to a nice night. No flowers and chocolate. Just a nice dinner and a romantic evening at home."

"That actually sounds nice. No roses or any other cheesy surprises though."

"Alright fine. No surprises. I'll try to see if there are any nice restaurants that are still taking reservations."

"Yes do that. And get me a case dear. "

"We're using pet names now? Who are you and what have you done with my Sherlock?"

"Sarcasm, John."

"I'll make all the arrangements. You just rest. The next few days will be busy."

-two days later-

"I need another case!"

"You've just solved one!"

"That one was too simple. It took me a few hours. That was yesterday. I need a good serial killer. That would keep me busy. One body, John? One?! Are those detectives at the Yard so incompetent that they need my help with one little murder?"

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