Author's Note

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A/N: Ok this is just an author's note for now. The real next chapter will probably be up sometime later tonight. If you want, you can skip this. You won't really miss much.

I just wanted to write this so you guys will have a better sense of what's going to be happening once the semester starts. I won't be able to update as much as I have been, so don't hate me. My goal is to post a new chapter every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but I may just be able to do two days a week.  I really want to get this on a regular shedule so you guys will know when to expect new chapters.

I'll still work on this story, so don't worry. Just bear with me for a little bit while I try to get everything under control. 

I still have no idea how long this story is going to be. I'm hoping to make it the length of a short novel(30-50k words ish), but I'm not sure how that's going to work out. 

I hope everyone is still enjoying this story. If there's anything you'd want to see more or less of, leave it in the comments. I always want to know what you guys think.

Thank you to everyone who is reading this. Special thank you to everyone who's been reading this since the beginning. I love your faces and I will see you next chapter.


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