Chapter 14

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A/N: I'm sorry again for the lateness. I do have homework tonight but I'm trying to upload this chapter anyway. It may end up being a little shorter just because of the lack of time. I'm working on fitting everything in though.

Ok so a lot of stuff is going to start happening in these next few chapters. I might end up putting little filler chapters in between. I want your opinions because you're my readers and I love you. I have the climax and everything planned out already, but what I want to know is if you would prefer I end it there or if you'd want me to continue with a several chapter epilogue full of fluff. Leave me a comment saying what you want to read.

I really hope all of you like this chapter. I've gotten way more reads that I had expected to and that makes me really happy. I'm really close to 1k. I love your faces (I know I say that a lot, but it's true).

Sherlock's P.O.V.

I want to tell John more, but I can't. Not yet, at least. I know what I will most likely have to do will hurt him. It's the only way, though.

John's at work at the surgery. I asked Mycroft to keep an eye on him. It's not likely that Moriarty would plan something to hurt John at work (it's not theatrical enough), but it's always a possibility. John has agreed that more security would be good. He doesn't like the idea of it, but he's willing to go along with it.

I'm sitting here alone in the flat. This is how it always was before John. Empty? No, empty is an understatement. Utterly alone. I had Mrs. Hudson, but she never made me feel any better. She never kept me from getting bored and resorting to drugs again. Ever since he moved in, this has been home. This has been where John is and that's where I want to be. I can't imagine Baker's Street without John anymore.

I hate having to lie to him. He knows that I'm hiding things from him and even I can see he's upset about it. I know he tries to pretend that it's not bothering him as much as it is. He's tried to be as positive as he can even though everything is going to hell.

I grab my phone to text Mycroft. It's more interaction than either of us want, but he's been helpful. I'm going to be needing his help very soon.

Anything? -SH

We're still looking. Our sources have been able to locate several known members of Moriarty's web, but not him. You expected that, obviously. -MH

Are they a threat? -SH

Possibly. We're looking for anything that would point to that. -MH

I don't bother texting him back. I don't have anything else to say to him. I decide to text John at work to see if he's alright. He shouldn't have anything too important going on since it's just office hours now.

Bored -SH

Was that a statement or a question? -JW

Both. -SH

I'm bored too. I'll be home soon. -JW

Good. I'll be waiting. -SH

Go check how much milk we have, would you, love? -JW

Milk is boring. -SH

Yes, but I need to know if I should stop by the shops on the way home. -JW

You're so domestic. Don't bother stopping. I want you here as soon as possible. -SH

What are you going to do when I get home? -JW

You'll just have to see when you get here. ; ) -SH

Did you... did you really just use an emoticon? -JW

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