Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey everyone! I've gotten over 1.2k reads and that makes me so incredibly happy! I love your faces!

As much as I hate to say it, this story will probably be ending soon. :'( For the last few chapters, I think I'm going to update Monday and Friday only. Hopefully the end of this turns out well because I've spent a lot of time trying to plan it out. 

I hope everyone likes this chapter. This will be one of the last happy-ish chapters of the story so be prepare your feels.

Sherlock's P.O.V.

Every time I'm with John feels like it's going to be the last. It hurts thinking that soon, all of this is going to fall apart. I never cared about a single human being in my life prior to this and now it feels like I can't imagine having someone to call my own. I can't let anything hurt him. 

John is asleep next to me. He probably won't wake up for another hour or two so I decide to call Mycroft. After a few rings, he picks up.


"We have reason to believe he is going to strike tomorrow. Necessary plans have been made."

"And John?"

"We will do our best to make sure no harm comes to him. Several scenarios have been accounted for an there is a solution for many of the most likely situations."

"Good. Bye, brother dear."

"Sherlock wait-"


"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. This may be the only time I get to really say it, so I want to apologize for everything."

"Don't think that it will make me forgive you, but I don't hate you for this, Mycroft. You were always trying to do the right thing, which turned out to be the wrong thing, but you tried none the less."

"If we would have known how far his obsession went, I would never have told him anything about you. I never intended to put you or John in any danger."

"Have you said enough to be able to live with yourself if something goes wrong? Everything will be fine soon enough or if it's not, I'd rather not spend my last day listening to your sniveling."

"I'll let you be with John, then. I am sorry though."

"Thank you, Mycroft."

I ended the call and shoved my mobile into the pocket of my dressing gown. He really did feel bad about everything. Mycroft very rarely showed any affection towards me as a child or adult, so it feels strange having him being sincere and apologetic. 

I crawl back into bed next to John and wrap my arms around his smaller shoulders. Should I tell him today might be the last we have together? Or should I not tell him and just say I want to spend a nice day with him before all this craziness (which is true, technically). I don't want to worry him with telling him things are going to happen tomorrow, but I don't want to hide it from him either. 

John stirred from his sleep and blinked at me a few times before yawning and waking up fully. He's so cute when he's sleepy. 

"Good morning."

"Mmm 'morning 'Lock."

"Sleep well?"

"Very. You've been up?"

"Not long. Maybe 20 minutes. I figured I'd let you get a little more sleep."

"How considerate."

"Sooo... John. I thought it would be nice if we spent the day together. Maybe go on a date. Just something to take away from all this craziness for a little while."

"That sounds lovely. What would you want to do?"

"We could spend part of the day watching Doctor Who and cuddling, and then maybe we could go get posh dinner somewhere; I'm sure Mycroft could pull some strings and get us a last minute reservation. Then, we could come back here and drink champagne and have lots of passionate sex."

John just looks stunned for a moment before he smiles and laughs.

"You really have planned this out, haven't you? Even down to the sex."

"I never realized what I was missing out on before. Now that I have you all to myself I'm going to take advantage of it."

"You sound surprisingly enthusiastic."

"Live life to the fullest, isn't that what they say? Every day might be my last so I might as well have fun with it."

"Calm down, Sherlock. Everything is going to be fine."

"I've just been worried. I want to do something nice today and then I'll calm down."

It's a good thing John is such an optimist because otherwise I wouldn't be able to hide things from him like this. I hate hiding it, but I have to. It's for his own good, no matter how much it hurts. 

John's P.O.V.

I can tell that there's something wrong with Sherlock. He's trying to act like nothing's wrong, but it's obvious that he's really scared. What if something is going to happen tomorrow and that's why he's so set on having a good day today? And what was all of that about every day could be his last? Is he expecting Moriarty to kill him?

I don't know what to do. Do I go along with the 'pretend like nothing's going on' plan to make him happy by giving him a good day or do we talk about it and make everything more tense and dramatic? 

I'm going to let Sherlock have his nice day. We're going to have fun and then prepare for tomorrow because I know something very bad is going to happen. 

Sherlock's P.O.V.

-several hours later-

Tonight went smoothly. John didn't say anything to me about things being wrong. Maybe he doesn't know yet. Not likely, but it's possible. I'm glad I got one last day to spend with John.

Dinner was fantastic. Mycroft was able to book an entire restaurant for the two of us (to which John protested the entire time because he felt bad about Mycroft going to the trouble). After dinner, we came home and finished a bottle of champagne (on top of another two bottles of wine at the restaurant) and decided to just pass out. Both of us were drunk and exhausted and we were having a nice time so we just ended the evening like that. 

I'm not sure what's going to happen tomorrow, but it's going to be bad. It will most likely end with me within an inch of my life. All of Mycroft's spies are working their hardest to figure out Moriarty's plan. A combination of private security and Scotland Yard forces are monitoring 221B constantly. My homeless network is constantly looking for anything suspicious. I don't know how we could be any more prepared than we already are.

All we can do now is wait and hope things go according to plan. 

Sorry this chapter was a little short. I just needed a little more stuff before shit goes down. I hope you liked the nice day with Sherlock and John and are prepared for the drama in the last bit of this story.

So the way I have it planned out, the rest of the story will be a big three-part extravaganza! If I made it into one chapter, it would be really long so I'm splitting it up (plus I'm going to leave you with a cliff hanger on one, mwa ha ha I feel like Moffat). I'm still debating if I should write a little epiloge for this (it would be a couple chapters since I want to wrap things up and I don't want to add another story to this series). Leave a comment telling me if you'd like an epilogue.

I love all of you who are reading this. I never expected to get this many reads or votes when I first started writing on here. It makes me really excited that people like my work and that just motivates me to work harder and write more. I will see you all next chapter.


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